President's Report Masthead
March 31, 2016

Academic alert system

An academic alert system to provide information for faculty and better advise and assist students was tested for two semesters with faculty who had students in specific groups. For instance, faculty members who had students participating in EOP or who were student-athletes, piloted the system. 

Although the University previously piloted the system, this was the first semester it was opened up to all faculty. We expect there will be additional system tweaks and good suggestions for further improvement now that it is open to the broader community.

The system was primarily designed with undergraduate students in mind, but could still be useful to those who are working with graduate students. 

Our goal is to give faculty a means to offer information to us so we can better advise and assist students – especially as we approach the Withdrawal deadline. Based on faculty feedback, we added the ability to provide good feedback in addition to “warning” type information. The idea is that students also should be told when they are doing well. Gathering both positive and negative feedback is important for the advisors who are working with students in designated programs like EOP, Student Support Services, ESL, etc., and also useful for the advising offices who are working with all students from their given school or program.

We tried to make the system as easy to use as possible. A simple thumbs up will indicate all is well and a thumbs down indicates that there is a problem. When the thumbs down is chosen, another screen pops up to tell the faculty member to indicate problems or concerns. When the thumbs up is chosen, there is an option to click on the information button so that a form pops up to provide additional information – but the thumbs up suffices if no additional information is warranted.