Alumni Connect - January 2018

Board member spotlight

Starting with this issue of Alumni Connect, we'll introduce you to a member of the Alumni Association's board. These are faces you're likely to see as you attend alumni events on and off campus, and volunteer for the University. (Don't be shy to reach out and say "hello.") Our board members are goodwill ambassadors for the Alumni Association and work tirelessly to engage alumni with the University and with each other. 

Gary Kibel '90, MBA '92Gary Kibel '90, MBA '92 became president of the Alumni Association last June. He has been involved with the association for nearly 10 years, and has served as vice president as well as chair of the Communications and Social Media Committee. 

What led you to become involved with the Alumni Association?
When my daughter, who is now a senior in high school, was in kindergarten, we started to occasionally drive up to Binghamton for basketball games. The ride is easy from Westchester, and she loved the atmosphere and Baxter! I then re-connected with a few friends from my college days who were very engaged alumni and started to learn the many ways that I could get more involved.

What do you find rewarding about your engagement with the University?
My time as a student was very memorable and helped shape the person I am today. Reengaging with the school is mutually beneficial. I very much enjoy the connection, and I'm happy I can help the University continue to grow and succeed. The success of alumni reflects upon the school, and the success of the school reflects upon all of us.

What was your most meaningful student experience?
In 1988, I worked at the Anderson Center and was asked to give a performing group from Russia a tour of the campus and the local area during what may have been their second day in the United States. So I took them to Wegmans! They were practically in tears and overcome with emotion seeing what we often take for granted.

What are your goals as Alumni Association president?
I want others to rekindle their Binghamton bond – both with the school and with fellow alumni. We have an unbelievable alumni base of more than 127,000 people out there and we're all family. You're a student for four years but an alumnus or alumna for life.

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