Harpur Fellow Features: Zoom with Auruddha Antaneel

Day Thursday, March 16
Time 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM
Where Private Location (sign in to display)

Meet 2017 Harpur Fellow Alumni: Aurudda Antaneel! Come learn more about his service project in Dhaka, Bangladesh and get tips on how to be the best applicant for the Harpur Fellows Program. Auruddha worked with a local nonprofit to purchase laptops for school children that are still in use today. Thanks to the Harpur Fellows Program, Auruddha was given the opportunity to give back - and now...

Add to Calendar 03/16/2023 1:00 PM 03/16/2023 2:00 PM America/New_York Harpur Fellow Features: Zoom with Auruddha Antaneel Meet 2017 Harpur Fellow Alumni: Aurudda Antaneel! Come learn more about his service project in Dhaka, Bangladesh and get tips on how to be the best applicant for the Harpur Fellows Program. Auruddha worked with a local nonprofit to purchase laptops for school children that are still in use today. Thanks to the Harpur Fellows Program, Auruddha was given the opportunity to give back - and now... Private Location (sign in to display)