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2018 Graduate Student Excellence Award winners

33 students earn University recognition


Innocent Achari - Chemistry

Innocent Achari has a great passion to be an educator and mentor to those who have an insatiable curiosity. For him, chemistry is a stepping stone to different careers that impact directly on humanity’s well-being. He strives to ensure that his students learn the basics of chemistry to make them the best problem-solvers with solid laboratory practices, a connection of lab work to theory, and an understanding of the world around them and of how to use chemistry to solve problems beyond the classroom. He believes that an educated nation has a high capacity to deal with all aspects of life including poverty, health, discrimination, intercultural coexistence, natural disasters, governance and more, so is motivated to be the best teacher he can be. He has seven semesters of teaching experience and has been the instructor of record for the Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) Introduction to Chemistry course taught in the summer to incoming EOP students.

Jeremy Berkowitz - Political science

As a passionate, experienced and skilled teacher, Jeremy Berkowitz excels at enhancing student engagement. His principal goal as an instructor is to provide students with opportunities to learn about pressing contemporary issues and to critically engage in them. To do so, he brings with him a diverse toolkit for expanding his students’ knowledge of international relations, which includes assignments ranging from detailed descriptions of political cases to debates of contentious political issues. He is especially skilled at stimulating discussion in a wide variety of classroom scenarios. Students note that his class has a high rate of participation, and they praise him for encouraging them to consider a wide variety of conflicting viewpoints and strengthening their critical-thinking skills. A dedicated instructor, he is known to devote as much time as necessary to making sure his students are confident in the classroom, including by holding meetings both inside and outside of office hours.

Olga Blomgren - Comparative literature

Among her peers, Olga Blomgren is the go-to person for comparative literature TAs who have questions or concerns about pedagogy. With a professional background in pedagogical studies and extensive experience in the front of the classroom, she is known for her ability to engage students of any background beyond their own imagination. Her belief is that knowledge is not a product to be found, but a process whereby teachers provide opportunities for learners to develop knowledge. Her goal is to encourage as many students as possible to participate in class. She is sensitive to cultural specificity, diverse socio-economic factors and various levels of exposure to literary texts, getting the best out of her students while generating a collaborative and participatory atmosphere in the classroom, stimulating critical debate and increasing the learning curve. Her creative assignments and inventive didactic skillsets have made her a very effective and deeply admired teacher.

Lorena Campuzano Duque - History

With a background in physics, Lorena Campuzano Duque has developed a uniquely effective approach to teaching history, emphasizing that history is not simply about finding facts about the past, but it is a way of thinking, understanding, interpreting and articulating the relationship between the past and the present. A key idea that has guided her teaching is that the most effective way of learning comes from practice and imitation. Knowledge that is not processed does not stick or transform. She structures her teaching so students see how to approach historical problems and developed the “mind map” or “mental chart” as an intellectual exercise for her students to help them wrestle with difficult material. The approach, used individually and collaboratively, compels students to be creative thinkers who form ideas, select data, organize information, and develop an argument. She has thus fused a laboratory science model with a humanities perspective that is astonishingly productive.

Julia Devin - History

Julia Devin is a brilliant and outstanding teacher who is extremely dedicated, going above and beyond to help students. Her experience in education has prepared her to teach college students and equipped her with a unique perspective on American history. She believes her role as a teacher is to help students uncover and give meaning to individuals’ lives and to show how events in the past proceed with a degree of both causality and contingency, because only then can we recognize that history includes people who have felt disconnected and disoriented. She has developed a full range of teaching skills and is able to lead effective discussions while also improving students’ writing skills. Her office door is always open and her use of a red pen on essays and assignments is matched word for word with encouragement. She has taught a gamut of introductory surveys and thematic courses, all with remarkable success.

Jenn Dum - Philosophy

Jenn Dum’s students learn by building relationships with each other, authors and themselves. Through a variety of activities, her students formulate, exchange and actively discuss philosophical ideas and engage with complex philosophical texts. These peer relationships support an inclusive classroom environment that is open to questions, yet structured enough for students to substantively engage with what they are learning. She encourages conversations begun in class to continue afterwards. Her enthusiasm for philosophical learning and critical thinking always shines through and, in conjunction with her uncanny ability to never take even the most serious things too seriously, motivates her students to build their own confidence and skills needed for writing, thinking and speaking effectively about complex ideas. Even in a formal logic class, she inspires students to learn more and take responsibility for justifying their own beliefs - both to themselves and others, as well as in and out of the classroom.

James Fitz Gerald - English

James Fitz Gerald has adopted the pedagogical model of a collaborative classroom, configuring the classroom as a space where students are active participants in producing and disseminating knowledge, becoming agents of what he calls “critical thinking and social responsibility.” He himself writes that he arranges an integrative, collaborative pedagogy focused on dialogue and critical exchange. His enthusiasm for the material, the students and the exchange is visible, and it is infectious. Students participate, are led to explore additional implications of what they have said, laugh at times, stay after class to talk and ask questions, and are clearly engaged with each other as well as their instructor. He has taught courses or led discussion sections in American studies, gender studies, trauma and literary theory, and post- and decolonial studies. He has also worked with the Services for Students with Disabilities office, mentoring students and converting textbooks into braille.

Laura Johnsen - Anthropology

Laura Johnsen takes subjects about which students tend to think they already know everything and shows them in a new and fascinating light. Drawing on a wide range of methodological and theoretical sources, from the evolution of behavior to its historical and cultural expression, she presents anthropology and social science at its very best. Her syllabi and lectures are so comprehensive and rigorous that after she worked to create a course on the body, with pornography as its central focus, she was awarded a contract by Routledge to turn it into a book. She seems to be drawn to subjects about which people already have formed opinions and biases, precisely so she can use her skills as a natural educator to expand their way of seeing things. Every talk she gives, every assignment and pedagogical tool she employs, helps her students learn more about the world and themselves, and inspires them to improve both.

Benjamin Marley - Sociology

Benjamin Marley tells his students that not all common sense is good sense, but good sense is learned through intellectual engagement and open dialogue. Taking a student-centered approach to learning, he asks students how they explain the world’s most pressing problems. This allows him to discern and challenge normative assumptions as the course develops. He begins by working to shift students’ perspectives from individual to societal explanations of social problems, and through the application of sociological theory applied to specific case studies, develops students’ critical thinking skills by incorporating history and social structure into the explanation of social issues. He asks students to continually question and reflect on the world around them, and to never stop asking how and why phenomena occur. His students are then able to critically deconstruct common-sense understandings of social and environmental problems and they become more self-actualized as active citizens armed to address today’s societal problems.

Courtney Miller - Philosophy

With experience teaching both introductory and upper-division courses, Courtney Miller has an obvious passion for teaching and truly cares about her students. She demonstrates a continued commitment to providing students with the skills necessary to grapple with complex philosophical material. Intent on helping students to become well-rounded and enthusiastic learners, she strives to share interesting material and focuses on a skills-based classroom approach where students learn techniques such as creative and critical thinking, written and oral communications, and respect for viewpoints that are different from, and may even conflict with, their own deeply held values and beliefs. This skills-based approach upholds her commitment to accessible learning and allows her to teach diverse learners by meeting students where they are academically. By emphasizing skills that apply both within and outside of the classroom, she offers students the tools and resources to succeed not only academically, but in their endeavors beyond Binghamton.

Agnitra Roy Choudhury - Economics

Agnitra Roy Choudhury’s primary goal is to help students understand complex economic ideas and theories by fostering their curiosity about allocation of scarce resources, decision making and analyzing how markets work, and having them apply what they learn to solve real-world problems. He encourages students to think critically and outside the box, inspiring them to ask questions by creating a learning environment that fosters debate, stating that there are no incorrect questions. He strives to engage students by using creative examples, news and current affairs, and is always available to his students, investing his time outside of office hours to help them get a better understanding of the material. His dedication to teaching economics is commendable, and his passion for the subject is contagious. While his structured teaching style helps students understand the material, his friendly and approachable demeanor encourages students to come to class and to seek help during office hours.

Todd Rutkowski - Physics

Todd Rutkowski believes in motivating students by giving them a fair chance to succeed through their own hard work. He is recognized as an exemplary physics teaching assistant who strives to create a classroom environment where students’ hard work and curiosity are rewarded with understanding and a sense of wonder about the physical world. He engages his students with his enthusiasm for physics, excellent communication skills and a genuine interest in his students’ success. He has worked with faculty behind the scenes to improve the introductory physics courses and to help train the next generation of teaching assistants. He volunteers with the Physics Outreach Program, performing physics demonstrations at local elementary schools to promote an early interest in science and technology. He has also been crucial to the development of the Binghamton Scholars course, Materials Matter, which explains the physics of color using historically important pigments and which he is co-teaching this semester.

Samantha Wagner - Psychology

A teaching assistant for six courses, and instructor of record for two of them, Samantha Wagner’s ultimate goal for teaching is to provide students with skills to become self-motivated and engaged learners who find knowledge throughout their world. She strives to teach in ways that allow students to experience mastery of material and apply relevant information to their own world, rather than simply obtain A’s on examinations. Recognizing individual differences in motivation and expectations, she follows lectures with group work to capitalize on student collaboration to solve difficult problems and solidify material. She also uses individual assignments and participation for students to showcase their material mastery while allowing her to gauge understanding. She creates a balance between caring and independence by being accessible for one-on-one meetings and uses many modalities to assess success and by placing less emphasis on one assignment, students are able to struggle in some areas but still succeed.


Mohammed Aladeemy - Systems science and industrial engineering

Mohammed Aladeemy has a deep understanding of healthcare systems engineering and data science. His research focus is in artificial intelligence, times series forecasting, mathematical optimization, healthcare systems engineering and lean manufacturing. Inordinately bright and gifted as a researcher and writer, he is also well-liked by his peers and professors. His achievements are an outcome of his innovative thinking, initiative, hard work, sense of responsibility and excellent work ethic. He holds a research assistant position within the Watson Institute for Systems Excellence and is currently employed as a graduate research associate at UHS Hospitals, working on applied research that can transform the healthcare industry based on improvement sciences and engineering, with a focus on patient safety, process efficiency and effectiveness. He has three published journal papers with a citation count of 53, as well as nine conference papers and five presentations to his credit. He has also mentored four master and eight undergraduate students conducting research.

Muhammad Waqar Azeem - English

A Fulbright Fellow from Pakistan, Muhammad Waqar Azeem lives up to the high expectations and standards of the Fulbright. His dissertation focuses on the representation of 9/11, the war on terror and drone strikes in post 9/11 fiction and art. He delineates the understudied South Asian-American, especially the Pakistani-American, dimension of transnational American studies. Since fall 2014, he has presented at 10 different conferences and won the Best Graduate Paper Award for his presentation on “Drone-Zone as a Camp: A New Public Space in Pakistan” at the South Asian Literary Association’s 2016 conference. He is presenting at the Modern Language Association Conference 2018 in two panels, one of which he has also organized. He is also chairing and presenting in a panel at the Northeast Modern Language Association conference 2018. He has two accepted publications: one in an edited volume to be published by Routledge and one in South Asian Review.

Mehdi Boroumand - Electrical and computer engineering

Mehdi Boroumand’s creativity, focused effort, attention to detail and ability to work independently has allowed him to make significant contributions in the area of information assurance, with a specialization in steganography, steganalysis and digital forensics. He has designed a groundbreaking deep neural network, which is a modern intelligence paradigm, with universal applicability to a wide range of problems in multimedia security ranging from detection of secret communications to establishing the processing history and integrity of digital images. This work has been called history making with the astonishing performance capabilities it brings of utmost importance in restoring the trust in the digital representation of reality as our society moves to fully digital storage and acquisition of media. He has published three journal articles and five conference publications, one of which received the 2017 Student Best Paper Award from the prestigious Association for Computing Machinery Information Hiding and Multimedia Security Workshop.

Lakshmi Damayanthi Bulathsinghala - Philosophy, Interpretation and Culture

Lakshmi Damayanthi Bulathsinghala’s background and performance history in Sri Lankan drama has caused her to focus her studies on the history and theory of Sri Lankan theater, which originated from traditional rituals and folk dramas and which she notes has been conspicuously absent from the Asian repertoire. Research on the indigenous theatrical forms of the Sinhala people in Sri Lanka, and on how those styles have been influential in establishing modern Sinhala theater, forms the basis for her studies. She aims to disentangle interpretative complications surrounding some indigenous Sri Lankan folk styles and to help secure more reliable identifications of them. She also considers social, cultural and political issues in her research including invasions of Sri Lanka by other nations and exposure to Western domination. She has recently received a Short-Term Fellowship with the Folger Shakespeare Library for a project titled “Humor and Amusement on the Western and the Eastern Stage.”

Şule Can - Anthropology

Şule Can’s research is timely. Based on long-term enthnographic study in the war zone of Turkish-Syrian borderlands, her research emphasizes a new approach to refugee studies, sectarianism in the Middle East and the Syrian Civil War. She looks at forced migration, political versus sectarian borders, ethnicity, religion and nationalism. Her work presents both physical and political dangers and lies at the intersection of historiography, international border studies and political and social displacement. She has given four invited talks and workshops in the U.S. and England, as well as nine conference presentations and four invited lectures. She is also the author of two peer-reviewed articles and three peer-reviewed book chapters, and has a book forthcoming about forced migration during the Armenian genocide. A frequent writer for the general public in both English and Turkish, she is the academic chair and co-founder of the Research Institute for the Middle Eastern Arab Peoples, a non-governmental organization in Turkey.

Elizabeth Cope Feurer - Psychology

Elizabeth Cope Feurer’s goal as a researcher is to identify predictors of individual differences in adolescent stress reactivity and generation in order to inform future interventions for youth depression. Utilizing genetics, peripheral physiology, pupillometry and electroencephalography/ event-related potentials, she provides a fine-grained understanding of the mechanisms underlying stress generation and stress sensitivity. With the drive, determination, experience, creativity, personality and interpersonal skills to excel in research, she is already off to an impressive start as the first author on three articles and co-author on six more. She has three additional manuscripts under review and three first-author manuscripts in preparation. She has made four symposia presentations and more than a dozen poster presentations. She is also the recipient of a three-year National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship to study predictors of both physiological reactivity and real-world emotional reactivity to stressors to determine whether neural and physiological reactivity to laboratory-based stressors predict mood reactivity to real-world stressors.

Rostislav I. Grynko - Physics

Called a model graduate student as well as friendly, hard-working, enthusiastic and mature, Rostislav Grynko studies the physics of ultrashort laser pulse propagations and high-intensity light-matter interactions. His experimental and theoretical studies of laser filamentation and harmonic generation have applications ranging from lighting control to table-top X-ray generation. He is currently working on several projects including time-resolved harmonic generation, laser filamentation, laser micromachining and optical tomography using fibers with researchers at Binghamton and MIT where he has played a key role performing numerical simulations to solve nonlinear envelope equations with different laser parameters in various materials having different dispersion characteristics. He has also worked in collaboration with researchers at Columbia University, and has seven publications and posters, including four as first author, as well as four poster talks to his credit. His presentation skills have been recognized with the award for Best Student Presenter at the 2017 Advances in Semiconductor Packaging Symposium.

Joseph Izzo - Chemistry

Joseph Izzo believes that the point of research in an academic setting is two-fold: first, to teach students and second, to teach the world. In short, he believes that research is all about education. He hopes to help develop more robust syntheses that produce less waste, cost less money and are more environmentally friendly. He has a unique ability to design, lead and execute collaborative projects and is called a star experimentalist, a natural leader and a top-notch scientist all rolled into one. He has not only demonstrated outstanding ability to synthesize unique catalysts and compounds of the future, but he has also identified new research directions where his novel synthetic routes can be applied. Able to persevere and not waver when reactions don’t work out, his passion for chemistry is one of his many positive attributes. He is the co-author of three publications, two of them in the Journal of the American Chemical Society.

Amanda Roome - Anthropology

Amanda Roome’s research interests broadly include the social and biological drivers of infectious and chronic diseases with human populations. Her main focus is on the ecological, biological and behavioral factors that influence the spread and risk of Lyme disease in built environments. She pursues novel research that impacts our understanding of Lyme disease in areas that represent ecologically fragmented peri-urban settings where people are regularly engaging in activities and that provide ideal settings for the potential transmission of tick-borne diseases. She led a field research team to assess the impact that stress has on non-communicable disease risk in the Republic of Vanuatu, and has participated in research on Chronic Wasting Disease, and has studied the genetic diversity of populations in Highland Papua New Guinea. She has five scientific publications and 20 peer-reviewed published abstracts, and has been co-organizer for three Lyme disease conferences and an invited presenter at six conferences.

Nathan Scalise - Music

Nathan Scalise is quickly establishing himself as a prolific composer of new music for soloists, duets and chamber ensembles. He has received commissions from music festivals, won multiple national prizes and written works that have been premiered locally, regionally and abroad by international artists. He works to synthesize his diverse stylistic performance experiences and academic training into a unique, coherent voice, aiming to write music that has artistic depth, resonates with performers and audiences, and invites them to rethink both what is possible and what is acceptable. He uses his training to stretch musical materials in unusual ways to create 21st-century concert music. His hope is that his music causes performers and audience members to experience things that they cannot fully explain, yet want to experience again. Also a trombonist in the Harpur Jazz Ensemble, he epitomizes the graduate student in music and he has blossomed as a professional composer.

Aliona Tsypes - Psychology

Aliona Tsypes broadly focuses her research on improving the understanding and treatment of suicidal thoughts and behaviors across the lifespan in diverse populations. She seeks to integrate findings across multiple levels of assessment, including electroencephalography, event-related potentials, eye tracking, actigraphy and psychophysiology. Supported by a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship, she has designed and implemented a multi-method, prospective study examining how cognitive and affective systems interact in the laboratory and daily life to increase the risk for suicidal thoughts and behaviors. The project focuses on examining how suicide attempters, compared to those who have never attempted suicide, anticipate, process and learn from reward-related information in their environment. In addition to her NSF fellowship, she has received funding from the National Institute of Mental Health. She has 14 journal publications, including eight as first author, nine oral presentations and nearly 30 poster presentations and one case conference presentation to her credit.

John Wolters - Biological sciences

John Wolters’ innate curiosity, intelligence, dedication and attention to detail are fundamental to his research successes. He is interested in how DNA sequences evolve and create diversity in the living world and his fundamental research provides new approaches to using genetic information to understand evolution and to diagnose and treat human diseases. Through his research in genetics, he was the first to discover that mitochondrial genes can interact with each other to affect metabolic performance and evolution. His has initiated and maintained active collaborations and received a prestigious National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant and a Lazaroff Award to support his research. He is first author on two publications for high-impact journals and presented at numerous national and international conferences. He hopes his work will help us to understand how differences in mitochondrial DNA lead to diversity between individuals and how changes in the environment such as increasing global temperatures will affect evolutionary changes.

Farnaz Zamani Esfahlani - Systems science and industrial engineering

Farnaz Zamani Esfahlani is a highly motivated and talented researcher who studies various types of psychological/psychiatric phenomena using cutting-edge complex systems and network theory methods and tools to reveal the underlying mechanisms of mental disorders. She is among the first to apply network analysis to symptoms of schizophrenia, analyzing the interactions among the symptoms and their temporal dynamics. Her discoveries show that certain properties of symptomatic networks differ significantly between schizophrenia patients under different conditions, demonstrating the importance of considering the interactions among symptoms. Her research has produced a number of manuscripts, including one as first author that will be published in Innovations in Clinical Neuroscience, with two more first-author journal papers under review and four more in progress. She has seven peer-reviewed publications and a half dozen presentations, as well as a successful National Institutes of Health grant. She pursues excellent research questions and is making lasting impacts.

Jing Zhang - Materials science and engineering

The central objective of Jing (Tina) Zhang’s research is to develop environmentally friendly electrocatalysts for energy and other applications. Her work is at the forefront of novel electrode materials and electrocatalysts. She has developed new electrodes and used poly (amic) acid films as supporting material to improve the stability, and inherently the efficiency, of nanoparticle-based platinum-chromium catalysts. Her research, employing the most rigorous data interpretation and use of research tools, has shown that a rapid and greener method has been developed to synthesize different types of platinum nanostructured materials as a catalyst for improving the efficiency of ethanol fuel cells. She has also used the same method to synthesize other metal nanostructured materials, including silver, palladium, chromium, copper and zinc. She has nine publications, including three as first author, and two additional manuscripts submitted. She has also made five conference presentations, including an invited presentation at the Sustainable Nanotechnology Organization conference.


Hannah Cronk - Chemistry

Hannah Cronk truly enjoys volunteering and teaching those in the community about chemistry. She is skilled at interacting with children of all ages through different demonstrations and activities, while also including parents in the learning process. She allows children to explore, learn and ask questions while supervising the process. She particularly enjoys the annual outreach event - Binghamton University Day at the Oakdale Mall - because she can interact one-on-one with a wide variety of children and community members who are eager to learn science. Always willing to recruit new volunteers and help them become comfortable interacting with the community, she takes part in every aspect of volunteering from recruitment and training to setup and cleanup. She has gone on school visits, and worked on National Chemistry Week, and plays a leadership role as Science Olympiad technical event coordinator, American Chemical Society Northeast Regional Meeting workshop coordinator, and Go Green Institute assistant director.

Rebecca Forney - Comparative literature

Rebecca Forney has been remarkably successful in her goal to augment a participatory culture within and beyond the Department of Comparative Literature. As vice president, then president, of the Comparative Literature Graduate Student Organization (COLI GSO), she has increased the sense of community among the students within the department and strengthened relationships with students from related programs and departments such as the Translation Research and Instruction Program, German and Russian sStudies, English and art history. Her investments in integrating the social, intellectual and academic concerns of graduate students have not only made an impression on her peers, but an impact on their lives. She has earned respect from students and faculty alike for her organization of the Graduate Student Conference, her membership on the inaugural committee of a graduate journal of comparative literature and her involvement with the COLI GSO. She continues to inspire students to consider service as a part of their personal and professional lives.

Heather Humphrey - English

Heather Humphrey’s service to the department, University and broader community have been nothing short of impressive. Her commitment to spreading the joy and benefits of creative writing is clear through her program participation. Involved since she was an undergraduate with the Binghamton Poetry Project, a community literacy outreach program, she is now its assistant director. She also directs the Literati Reading Series, recruiting talent and working with local arts organizations to host free, public readings. As if heading up two separate programs isn’t enough, she also revived Writing by Degrees, a graduate-led creative writing conference that brings together creative writing graduate students from across the country, giving them a platform to share academic and creative work. She also serves as the fiction editor for the University literary journal, Harpur Palate. Her commitment and dedication to building communities of creative writers across various constituencies while taking on the rigors of graduate school is inspiring.

Joe Travis Shutz - History

Much of Joe Travis Shutz’s service has been within the History Department, including his volunteer service on the editorial board of the Binghamton Journal of History, an online publication dedicated to publishing outstanding student research papers. In this role, he was instrumental in providing students with guidance about how to revise and polish their papers prior to publication. He has also served as the treasurer of the Graduate History Society, and, for two years, has been the elected graduate student representative to the Department of History, participating as a voting member in department meetings. He was also a two-year member of the conference planning committee for Mobile Bodies: A Long View of the Peoples and Communities of Maritime Asia, an international conference held in November 2017, and sponsored by the Institute for Asia and Asian Diasporas at Binghamton University, which exists in part to enhance Asia-related research.

Rajesh Sharma Sivasubramony - Systems science and industrial engineering

Rajesh Sharma Sivasubramony’s contributions as a teaching assistant who cares deeply about student learning at all levels goes far beyond the norm, as does his support of research groups, his department and the Thomas J. Watson School of engineering and Applied Science. He mentors a number of students and supports several more in their research, while conducting his own. He has introduced a large number of undergraduate students to graduate-level research and his advanced knowledge of hardware, software and science has made him invaluable for the functioning of several different research groups. He identifies and orders supplies, maintains equipment, manages group meetings and coordinates research efforts. He serves as a liaison between research groups and takes the lead in identifying, characterizing, ordering and installing highly expensive capital equipment, then training others on it. Faculty and staff across the Watson School rely on him to be a tour guide, volunteer and ambassador.

Jennifer Vetter - Psychology

Jennifer Vetter has given back to Binghamton University through acts of service that include providing consultation and adaptive evidence-based interaction training to students in the Johnson City Mentor Program to improve the interactions between mentors and mentees, and by training undergraduate students to work with children at the Institute for Child Development and Campus Pre-School. She has also coordinated and provided free, annual autism screenings and hosted integrated events for children with autism and children from the community on Saturdays throughout the summer, supervising and facilitating social interactions for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). In addition, she serves as a peer reviewer for numerous academic journals including Child and Family Behavior Therapy and Behavior Analysis in Practice, coordinates and leads a tele-training and discussion program with professionals in India, and assists with the adaptation and development of Parent Child Interaction Training materials for use with children with ASD.

Posted in: Campus News, Harpur