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Student kudos

Achievements by Binghamton University students

​Edwin-Nikko Kabigting, Mi Jin Doe and Molly Shaughnessy
Three PhD students from Binghamton University’s Decker School of Nursing presented their work at the Congrès Science Infirmière et Avancée des Connaissances in October in Geneva, Switzerland.

PhD candidate Edwin-Nikko Kabigting and PhD students Mi Jin Doe and Molly Shaughnessy traveled with Decker Visiting Professor Rosemarie Rizzo Parse to the international conference for nursing science and advanced knowledge held at Webster University Geneva. The three students work closely with Parse, a world-renowned nurse theorist, founder of the Institute of Humanbecoming and founder and editor of Nursing Science Quarterly.

Margaret Blystone
Biomedical engineering senior Margaret Blystone was asked to participate in the National Science Foundation’s Research Experiences for Undergraduates Symposium that took place this past Oct. Bylstone’s work was supervised by Associate Professor Sha Jin.

Ketaki Joshi
Mechanical engineering PhD student Ketaki Joshi won second place for the Best Student Poster at the American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics Meeting in Atlanta.

Satvik Sethi
School of Management junior Satvik Sethi was invited to participate in a United Nations General Assembly session about global mental health this past fall. Sethi is the founder and CEO of Runaway, a startup that aims to spread mental health awareness and “make the world happier.”

Vivian Wu and Daniel Mottes
The School of Management held its 11th Spotlight on SOM, an annual event that kicks off the new school year by celebrating recent student accomplishments. This year’s Senior of the Year award went to Vivian Wu, while Daniel Mottes was named Junior of the Year.

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