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Binghamton University designated elite Leader Campus by Goodman Foundation

The Andrew Goodman Foundation recognizes Binghamton as one of five Leader Campuses

Outside a polling place in Old Union Hall in the University Union, Tamara Lindow, of the Center for Civic Engagement, informs students on Nov. 5, 2019, where they can vote. Outside a polling place in Old Union Hall in the University Union, Tamara Lindow, of the Center for Civic Engagement, informs students on Nov. 5, 2019, where they can vote.
Outside a polling place in Old Union Hall in the University Union, Tamara Lindow, of the Center for Civic Engagement, informs students on Nov. 5, 2019, where they can vote. Image Credit: Jonathan Cohen.

Binghamton has been recognized by The Andrew Goodman Foundation (AGF) as one of just five Leader Campuses within its national, nonpartisan Andrew Goodman Vote Everywhere Network that includes over 70 college campuses across the United States. The Andrew Goodman Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that works to increase student voter participation on college and university campuses across the nation. The University was recognized for its long-term commitment to student political engagement demonstrated by increasing the student voting rate on its campus.

According to Tufts University’s National Study of Learning, Voting and Engagement, between 2014 and 2018, Binghamton increased its eligible student voting rate from 8.7% to 32%. These impressive results are due to the sophisticated voter registration, education and mobilization efforts implemented by the University’s Voter Engagement Team, led by Alison Handy Twang, associate director of the University’s Center for Civic Engagement, and comprised of undergraduate and graduate students, faculty, staff and community partners.

“From its inception, Binghamton University’s students have been engaged in social movements and civic engagement — from the beginnings of the Cold War, to the rise of the civil rights movement, up to the challenges we face today with COVID-19 and issues of economic inequality,” said Harvey Stenger, Binghamton University president. “So it comes as no surprise to me that our students are leading the nation in the Andrew Goodman Vote Everywhere program. Binghamton’s students want to make a difference, and our Center for Civic Engagement provides opportunities and direction for students who want to be involved. Binghamton is grateful to the AGF for its support for our voter engagement efforts and we look forward to being a model for other institutions to follow.”

The Andrew Goodman Foundation was founded to uphold the legacy of Andrew Goodman, James Chaney and Michael Schwerner, three Freedom Summer volunteers who were murdered in Mississippi by the KKK in 1964 while registering African Americans to vote. Through its Andrew Goodman Vote Everywhere program, AGF supports student leaders and higher education institutions to engage approximately 1.3 million students across the United States in participatory democracy. Not only has Binghamton’s program successfully embedded voter registration throughout the institution and moved the needle on student voter participation in every election, but it has also expanded resources for students to act as informed voters, establishing itself as one of the highest-achieving programs in the Andrew Goodman Vote Everywhere Network.

“With COVID-19 taking its toll on college students and education in general, we have had to rely increasingly on digital organizing to get out the student vote. In a pivotal election year, it is more critical than ever for us to highlight and elevate the leadership of our best campus teams. Our goal is to create opportunities for students to share their best practices across our network and to have greater independence in building sustainable and innovative programs,” said Karena Cronin, AGF program director. “We are so proud of the Andrew Goodman Ambassadors at Binghamton as they have expanded their fellow students’ access to the ballot through effective organizing and advocacy. As part of its new status, the University’s annual AGF grant will increase from $1,000 to $5,000 to assist in its ability to play a leadership role within our Andrew Goodman Vote Everywhere Network. We have every confidence that Binghamton will model the way for more of our campus programs to achieve Leader Campus status.”

Andrew Goodman Campus Teams at Leader Campuses will continue to receive ongoing financial and advisory support, access to AGF’s texting program and online student voting portal my.VoteEverywhere, training, branded giveaways and other civic and voter engagement resources.

For more information, contact Alison Handy Twang in the Center for Civic Engagement at 607-777-4287 or

Posted in: Campus News