April 20, 2024
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Student Transition and Success: A Success Coaching Model

Officially launched in the summer 2020 term, the Department for Student Transition and Success’s Success Coaching services offer peer-to-peer and professional coaching to undergraduate students to support skill development in the areas of time and task management, productivity, motivation, organization, study strategies and note-taking skills. Employing a model informed by student development and coaching theory, motivational interviewing techniques and leveraging existing institutional knowledge about campus resources, the Success Coaching team serves students through one-on-one coaching appointments, collaborative programming and passive student success resource development. Since the inaugural launch of the model, Success Coaching has worked alongside campus partners across the divisions of Student affairs and Academic Affairs to provide tailored interventions and programming to meet the ever-changing needs of the undergraduate student population. Specifically, by playing an active role in the outreach and engagement efforts of our remote learner population as well as acting as a support response for academic early alerts. As it continues to define its role on campus, Success Coaching has focused its efforts on developing its signature offerings to support holistic student development and undergraduate student academic success; this includes the coordination of our supplemental instruction initiative, faculty/instructor requested in-classroom presentations and interactive student success workshops.

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