Our ’need to know’ corner, fall 2022
September 01, 2022
- Professional meetings, such as the ACCP Global Conference on Clinical Pharmacy and the ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting are coming up! Many students enjoy the opportunity to attend these conferences and meetings, and can do so during the times they are scheduled to participate in IPPEs/APPEs. Requests to attend national meetings should be submitted to the Office of Experiential Education (OEE) AND preceptor of record by the student, no less than six weeks in advance of a practice experience. Students will be reminded of this policy and preceptors should contact the OEE with any questions they may have.
- OEE Assistant Dean Nicholas Schwier is in the process of starting to revamp IPPE and APPE syllabi and would like preceptor input! If you are interested in helping to provide feedback on student expectations and assignments within the learning experiences that you precept, please contact the OEE.
- The SOPPS and the OEE can help you customize your learning experiences and can also provide in-person or virtual development sessions related to precepting students and residents. If you and/or your program are interested, please contact the OEE for more information.
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