February 8, 2025
overcast clouds Clouds 30 °F

A message from the assistant dean for experiential education

Image Credit: Jonathan Cohen.

We’re continuing our stories about some of the hundreds of preceptors we work with in this newsletter, but with a little twist. This time, we spoke with two preceptors who have been working with the School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences IPPE and APPE students from the beginning. We wanted to hear from them about the quality of our students. Are we making sure they’re ready for their rotations? Is there something we should be doing better or differently? Basically, how’s it going?

We’re gratified to learn that our students come to their sites prepared — and often bring new knowledge with them. It reinforces our belief that, together, we are better.

Also in this newsletter is a story about Marissa Langett, our experiential specialist, affiliation agreement guru, master scheduler and overall problem solver. I wanted to highlight all of the work that she does for SOPPS — and for you. In the next few newsletters, I hope to highlight the other people in our Office of Experiential Education, in the hope that you will know we are all working hard to make your role as preceptors go as smoothly as possible.

As always, thank you for your service to SOPPS and our students. If you have suggestions for what else you might like to see in this newsletter, contact me!

Nicholas C. Schwier, PharmD, BCPS-AQ Cardiology||
Assistant Dean of Experiential Education
Clinical Associate Professor

Posted in: Pharmacy