Sustainable Communities Courses
We invite you to explore some of the courses taken by Sustainable Communities students.
SUST 500- Sustainable Communities I: Theory and Practice (4 credits)
Students learn about sustainable communities through a system science and bio-physical
lens. We explore theories of change and the physical science behind change. This class
focuses on local sustainability systems (regional, municipal, neighborhood, etc.)
and ties them to national and global challenges. We explore these problems across
physical, economic and social equity dimensions.
SUST 510- Sustainable Communities II: Policy and Practice (4 credits)
Building on the systems understanding in Sustainable Communities I, students in this
class gain an understanding sustainable communities through the policies and programs
of change at the local and regional level – and how those interact with the rules,
incentives, and challenges at the national or global level. How do we make the societal
transformations needed to sustain clean, healthy, vibrant and equitable communities?
SUST 520/PAFF 510- Research Methods (4 credits)
As a sustainability leader, you will make or influence policy decisions that impact
the local environment, social equity and economic development. This course introduces
you to the components of evidence-based decision making. Using real life examples
in class, we will wrestle with defining a problem and asking appropriate questions.
We will find information and we will analyze it using basic qualitative (e.g. interviewing,
document reviews) and quantitative (e.g. statistical) analyses.
SUST 530/532/534/536- Sustainability Colloquium (4 credits)
In this student-run, faculty-guided class, students come together weekly to work on
academic and professional development. We focus on linking sustainability theory to
practice by hearing from sustainability professionals and about faculty research.
The colloquium incorporates sessions on collaboration, conflict management and public
participation, which are important professional skills in this discipline.
Community and Economic Development (3 credits)
This class examines the theory and reality of community and economic development.
The course focuses on municipalities and regions, while recognizing that all economic
actors are embedded within national and international systems involving public and
private entities. We examine traditional as well as more progressive approaches to
the ways municipal and regions try to grow and increase quality of life. We will also
talk with practitioners and work with professional policy documents to understand
how on-the-ground decisions are made.
Culminating Project (2 credits)
During your final two semesters, you will take SUST 588 Professional Writing Seminar
I and SUST 589 Professional Writing Seminar II. During these 2 two-credit workshops,
you will develop, research, and write a final project on a topic of your choosing.
Under the guidance of the professor, you will use this project to dig deeper into
a sustainability subject that interests you and that you can use to demonstrate the
knowledge and skills you acquired during the program.
Climate Change Science and Policy
Human-induced climate change will have profound effects on the sustainability of communities,
especially in the long term. Understanding the science of climate change and the approaches
at international, national, regional, and local levels to mitigate climate change
are essential elements of creating sustainable communities. This course will explore
the scientific evidence of climate change, the modeling projections of future climate,
and the policy and voluntary approaches that are evolving at the government, business
and non-profit levels to address current and future climate challenges.
Environmental studies courses for sustainability students
ENVI 515- Environmental Planning (4 credits)
Students gain an in-depth overview of the environmental planning field from an interdisciplinary
perspective. By the end of the course, students should be able to grasp the role and
limitations of government in the planning process, understand a variety of complex
environmental issues that confront urban planners and learn how to apply components
of sustainability to local community planning. Students participate in semester-long
projects in the Binghamton region.
Plant Ecology
Plant ecologists study the interactions that determine the distribution and abundance
of plants. This course introduces students to major conceptual issues and areas of
current research in plant ecology. Topics will include plant-environment relations,
plant life histories, plant-animal interactions, the role of plants in ecosystem processes
and current global issues in plant ecology (e.g., climate change, invasive species,
Agricultural Futures
Students begin with beef – one of the most popular foods in the United States. The
class learns how beef is raised and processed in the current industrial agriculture
system and then through alternative farming practices. We apply those lessons to agriculture
more broadly to understand current challenges and to consider alternative approaches
to food production. Topics covered are perennial food systems, forest farming, urban
agriculture, permaculture and the history of sustainable agriculture. There will be
guest lecturers throughout the semester, as well as field trips to Binghamton University
Acres Farm.
Environmental Policy Analysis
This seminar examines environmental decision making through the comparison of traditional
and innovative approaches, including regulatory standards, taxes, incentives, and
tradeable permits. Global as well as domestic environmental issues, environmental
justice and sustainable development concerns will be discussed along with the primary
policy issues affecting major U.S. environmental laws.
Geography courses for sustainability students
GIS and Spatial Analysis
The stories that maps tell help decision makers create policy. This course introduces students to thematic map design and the fundamentals of Geographic Information Systems (GIS). We will implement cartographic design principles and vector GIS analytical techniques. Students will learn the basics of statistical data classification and interpretation.
Urban Planning I
The ways that cities and towns grow is no accident. This course introduces the theories
of urban planning through four themes: (1) the historical rise of cities, suburbs
and planning; (2) ethical and theoretical questions in planning; (3) case studies
of planning; and (4) the current transformation American cities.
Urban Planning II
Digging deeper into the way that communities come together, this course covers commercial
development, industrial location, housing developments, public services, transportation,
urban renewal and zoning.
Environmental Health and Hazards
Students delve into issues and concepts associated with pollution and other environmental health hazards – and gain an understanding of the analytical tools needed to assess and manage them. The class learns to map the pattern and distribution of these hazards, the disparate risks to at-risk communities, and health outcomes across population subgroups.
Public administration courses for sustainable community students
PAFF 516- Performance Analysis (4 credits)
Maintaining accountability in government and nonprofit organizations is key to democracy.
This course introduces students to tools and techniques for measuring the performance
of individuals, organization and/or jurisdictions. The class focuses on performance-analysis
evidence for making management decisions.
PAFF 523- Introduction to Policy Analysis (4 credits)
Students learn about the concepts and tools used in the craft of policy analysis,
including problem definition, the development and analysis of policy alternatives,
and strategies for reporting findings. The class delves into the economic and political
criteria for evaluating policies, and the roles of policy analysis in democratic governance
and decision making.
PAFF 515- Program Evaluation (4 credits)
This course focuses on the basic concepts, challenges and methods in program evaluation.
In this course students learn about the role of evaluation in the policy-making process;
how to critically analyze various approaches and methods; and ways to craft evaluation
processes for an existing public or non-profit program.
PAFF 520- 21st Century Governance (4 credits)
Governance means leading and managing organizations in public and nonprofit settings.
One key aspect of effective public service today involves understanding and successfully
navigating organizational boundaries—essentially functioning within multi-organizational
and multi-sectoral networks. In an environment of increased globalization, this requires
professionals possess multiple areas of cultural competency. Skill development will
focus on negotiations, project and contract management, and oversight.
PAFF 536- Managing Networks (3 credits)
In public administration, an increasing number of policy objectives are accomplished
through networks of people and/or organizations. This course focuses on both intra-
and inter-organizational networks of people, the structure and function of networks,
and skills needed for network management.