Earn Two Master's Degrees
Drawing on resources from across Binghamton University, we offer one double degree program that allows students to earn a Sustainable Communities (SUST) and another master's degree from Binghamton in just three years.
Students in these programs gain knowledge, skills, and perspectives in fields other than Sustainable Communities. The double degree program leads to the award of two professional degrees in significantly less time (and tuition costs) than if the two degrees were pursued separately.
Double degree in Sustainable Communities and Public Administration
Students must apply and be admitted to both the Sustainable Communities program and the Public Administration program. These are separate applications and each requires an application fee to the Graduate School. Students who begin one program and then apply to the other program later will need to meet with the appropriate advisors for both programs to develop a customized program of study; completion within three years may not be possible for students who do not begin the programs in the same semester.