Welcome to the Binghamton University Food Pantry!
Welcome to the Binghamton University Food Pantry, member of the Food Bank of the Southern Tier and CHOW. This is a temporary, judgment-free place for students, faculty, staff and community members facing hard times, such as running short of money for the month or other emergency situations.
If students find themselves needing more long-term assistance, they are encouraged to take advantage of the services offered by the CARE Team in the Office of the Dean of Students.
REMINDER: The campus food pantry is not a grocery store. We exist to serve those who are encountering financial hardship, emergency food shortages or other pressing personal issues that prevent the purchase of, or access to, sufficient amounts of food. We ask that our service be used selectively and only when needed. If you would like information about other emergency food access options or budgeting resources, visit our resources page.
Pantry access
Campus Food Pantry
The Binghamton University Food Pantry is located in Iroquois Commons in CIW Dining
Hall up the ramp from the entrance. See our map for exact location. Walk through Lot Q and up the driveway. The entrance to the Iroquois Commons is
under the bridge on the left. Once inside, come up the ramp and the pantry is just
above the steps that lead down to the dining hall.
Satellite University Downtown Center (UDC) Food Pantry
A satellite pantry is now open at the University Downtown Center (UDC), located in
the Downtown Center in room 448.
Satellite Health Sciences Campus (HSC) Food Pantry
A satellite pantry is now open at the Health Sciences Campus (HSC), located in the
Pharmacy Building in room 121. The HSC Food Pantry is available to students at all
times and no order form is needed for this location.
Order here
In order to place an order with the BINGHAMTON UNIVERSITY FOOD PANTRY, you must complete an new attestation form for the 2024-2025 academic year.
This form is to be filled out for each household at least once annually. A recipient’s electronic signature is sufficient declaration of need.
Click here to complete your 2024-2025 Attestation Form
Orders for the Campus Food Pantry and UDC Food Pantry locations are placed online, here. Students can place an order once a week and pick up their items at the designated time chosen from the available pick up hours.
Why we offer a pantry
Food insecurity has increasingly become an issue on college and university campuses and can pose a significant barrier to student success. Many students come to campus with limited resources and little experience managing their needs. Hunger makes it difficult to study, sleep or engage in academics and social activities at the same level as peers. If our students' physiological needs aren't being met, it ultimately decreases the chances of them meeting their full potential and their overall experience at Binghamton University. The pantry is equipped to provide a variety of food and personal care items for our students in need.
Spring semester pick-up hours
Campus Food Pantry:
- 10 a.m. - 5 p.m., Monday - Thursday
- 10 p.m. - 3 p.m. Friday
UDC Food Pantry:
- 10 a.m. - noon, Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays
- 3 - 5 p.m., Monday - Friday
HSC Food Pantry:
- Available to students at all times
- No order form is needed for this location
The online ordering form is available starting Friday at 5 p.m. for ordering the following week. We request students fill out the order form at least 24 hours prior to pickup. The form will ask you to specify the day you will be picking up.
Contact us
Campus Food Pantry:
Campus Food Pantry manager:
Jordan Finkelstein
HSC Food Pantry:
Amanda Padwa
UDC Food Pantry:
Stacy Marrow
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