Where is the Office of Student Conduct located?
The office is located in Suite 3J of the Tuscarora Office Building (located in College-in-the-Woods)
What are the hours of operation of the Office of Student Conduct?
The Office of Student Conduct is open during the fall and spring semester from 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.
The Office of Student Conduct is open during summer sessions and breaks from 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.
If I would like to report an incident, what should I do?
If you would like to report an incident it is encouraged for you to reach out to the Office of Student Conduct via email, phone or in person to schedule an appointment with a staff member where the incident(s) can be explored in detail and appropriate services can be offered.
If I receive correspondence from the Office of Student Conduct, what should I do next?
At the bottom of the correspondence, there is an author of the correspondence. Please respond to that person unless the correspondence says otherwise. You can also call the Office of Student Conduct at 607-777-6210 is additional information would be helpful.
What is an Administrative Agreement?
The term “Administrative Agreement” means the respondent acknowledges responsibility for violating the code of conduct and resolves the case with a Student Conduct Administrator by agreeing to an appropriate disciplinary sanction and signing the agreement to resolve the case. Administrative Agreements are final and not subject to appeal.
What does a Student Conduct Hearing consists of?
The term “student conduct hearing” means the meeting the student will have with a University official or judicial body as a result of being documented in an incident involving alleged policy violations.
How can a student be found responsible?
A student can be found responsible if they take responsibility by signing an Administrative Agreement or by a Student Conduct Board.
What types of hearings exist?
There are two types of disciplinary hearings: administrative hearings and Student Conduct Board hearings. Staff members from the Department of Residential Life hold administrative hearings. Administrative hearings are one-on-one meetings with the staff member and the charged student.
Students have two options:
- Take responsibility by signing an Administrative Agreement.
- Choose for their case to be heard by a level one student conduct board comprising of all students who have been trained. The Student Conduct hearings managed by a student Chairperson. Chairpersons are selected by their peers after having served at least one semester as a Student Conduct Board member
Where can I find a copy of the Code of Student Conduct?
A printed copy of the Code of Student Conduct can be picked up in the Office of Student Conduct. The code is also available online.
If a graduate school or future employer requests a student’s disciplinary record, what do they see?
The University and Office of Student Conduct will only release conduct history when authorized by the student. If an institution or company requests conduct history, they need to produce a signed waiver to access the information. If the student has conduct history, and has permission from the student, staff in Office of Student Conduct generates a memo that includes a brief description of the incident along with any accompanying charges and sanctions. Students who have been charged with a violation and are found not responsible are considered to have no disciplinary record. Therefore, no memo will be generated and the requesting agent will be provided with a copy of our Records Maintenance policy.