Getting Involved On Campus! - Virtual Info Session

Day Monday, February 07
Time 4:30 PM to 5:30 PM
Where Online Event

Come learn the in's and out's of getting involved at Binghamton! Presented by the B-Engaged and Harpur Academic Advising teams, we'll talk about the best places to look for involvement opportunities, clubs, groups and organizations you can join, resources you can utilize and the importance of getting involved outside the classroom. We hope to see you there!

Add to Calendar 02/07/2022 4:30 PM 02/07/2022 5:30 PM America/New_York Getting Involved On Campus! - Virtual Info Session Come learn the in's and out's of getting involved at Binghamton! Presented by the B-Engaged and Harpur Academic Advising teams, we'll talk about the best places to look for involvement opportunities, clubs, groups and organizations you can join, resources you can utilize and the importance of getting involved outside the classroom. We hope to see you there! Online Event