Study or Intern Abroad in Prague, Czech Republic!

Day Thursday, September 07
Time 11:00 AM to 11:30 AM
Where University Union, UU - 124

Immerse yourself in one of central Europe?s most beautiful cities! Prague?s hidden courtyards, winding streets, traditional pubs, and eye-catching architecture are uniquely juxtaposed with the city?s very modern business and academic opportunities. With a growing economy, vibrant arts and music scenes, an influential intellectual community, and architectural styles ranging from Gothic to Bar...

Add to Calendar 09/07/2023 11:00 AM 09/07/2023 11:30 AM America/New_York Study or Intern Abroad in Prague, Czech Republic! Immerse yourself in one of central Europe?s most beautiful cities! Prague?s hidden courtyards, winding streets, traditional pubs, and eye-catching architecture are uniquely juxtaposed with the city?s very modern business and academic opportunities. With a growing economy, vibrant arts and music scenes, an influential intellectual community, and architectural styles ranging from Gothic to Bar... University Union, UU - 124