Japanese Art Animation and Beyond - Summer Education Abroad in Japan!

Day Monday, January 22
Time 3:30 PM to 4:30 PM
Where Online Event

Do you have an interest in Japanese culture, or Japanese animation and films? Or are you simply interested in visiting Tokyo? If so, tune in to this virtual information session to learn more about the Japanese Art Animation and Beyond education abroad program! In this session, we'll discuss the in-country experience of the program, review academics and credit you can earn, as well as hear direc...

Add to Calendar 01/22/2024 3:30 PM 01/22/2024 4:30 PM America/New_York Japanese Art Animation and Beyond - Summer Education Abroad in Japan! Do you have an interest in Japanese culture, or Japanese animation and films? Or are you simply interested in visiting Tokyo? If so, tune in to this virtual information session to learn more about the Japanese Art Animation and Beyond education abroad program! In this session, we'll discuss the in-country experience of the program, review academics and credit you can earn, as well as hear direc... Online Event