Seneca Sportfest! (In-person)

Day Saturday, September 26
Time 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM
Where TBD

Bored in your room and in your room bored? Come join RA Jules THIS Saturday (9/26) at 2pm on the CIW Co-Rec field (near large white tent) for lawn games like frisbee and some friendly competition in games like soccer! The winners of the soccer game may even win a prize! You don't want to miss this! RSVP TO ATTEND!! Hope to see you there!

Add to Calendar 09/26/2020 2:00 PM 09/26/2020 3:00 PM America/New_York Seneca Sportfest! (In-person) Bored in your room and in your room bored? Come join RA Jules THIS Saturday (9/26) at 2pm on the CIW Co-Rec field (near large white tent) for lawn games like frisbee and some friendly competition in games like soccer! The winners of the soccer game may even win a prize! You don't want to miss this! RSVP TO ATTEND!! Hope to see you there! TBD