RA Kelsey's Movie Night in Smith Hall (Virtual)

Day Friday, November 20
Time 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM
Where Video Conferencing Link

Join RA Kelsey for a movie night to decompress after the rollercoaster that was this semester! There will be entertainment, good company, and maybe even some snacks! Feel free to stop by for the entire event or just part of it. Please fill out this form to vote for the movie you would like to watch: https://forms.gle/jNoDxxGsH5zpB7TG7

Add to Calendar 11/20/2020 5:00 PM 11/20/2020 7:00 PM America/New_York RA Kelsey's Movie Night in Smith Hall (Virtual) Join RA Kelsey for a movie night to decompress after the rollercoaster that was this semester! There will be entertainment, good company, and maybe even some snacks! Feel free to stop by for the entire event or just part of it. Please fill out this form to vote for the movie you would like to watch: https://forms.gle/jNoDxxGsH5zpB7TG7 Video Conferencing Link