Recognizing and Responding to Students in Distress (via Zoom)

Day Monday, February 14
Time 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM
Where Via Zoom

This Recognizing and Responding to Students in Distress presentation aims to provide a straightforward and engaging overview of what faculty and campus staff should know in order to identify a student who may be experiencing distress or struggling with a mental health concern, and how to respond. Faculty and staff will learn more about current University mental health initiatives and resources available across campus. This presentation is a collaborative effort between university professionals from the Dean of Students’ CARE Team; Health and Counseling Services; Health Prevention and Promotion Services; Services for Students with Disabilities; Residential Life; the Healthy Campus Initiative; and the JED Foundation.

Registration is required at

Contact the UCTD at 607-777-6362 or with questions.

Add to Calendar 02/14/2022 12:00 PM 02/14/2022 1:00 PM America/New_York Recognizing and Responding to Students in Distress (via Zoom) <html-blob>This Recognizing and Responding to Students in Distress presentation aims to provide a straightforward and engaging overview of what faculty and campus staff should know in order to identify a student who may be experiencing distress or struggling with a mental health concern, and how to respond. Faculty and staff will learn more about current University mental health initiatives and resources available across campus. This presentation is a collaborative effort between university professionals from the Dean of Students’ CARE Team; Health and Counseling Services; Health Prevention and Promotion Services; Services for Students with Disabilities; Residential Life; the Healthy Campus Initiative; and the JED Foundation.</html-blob><br><html-blob><br></html-blob><br><html-blob>Registration is required at <a href="" id="ow3606" __is_owner="true">https://binghamton.zo Via Zoom