Degrees in The Department of Mathematics and Statistics

The Department of Mathematics and Statistics is a community of mathematicians and statisticians. We offer degrees at the Bachelor's, Master's and Doctoral level. Thus, besides our faculty and post-doctoral visitors, our community includes a large and valuable cadre of hard-working and talented undergraduate and graduate students.

At the undergraduate level, we have two kinds of degrees: general degrees for majors in Mathematical Sciences are labeled Bachelor of Arts (BA), while our more intensive undergraduate degrees are labeled Bachelor of Science (BS). There are both mathematics tracks and actuarial science tracks within both degrees. A minor in mathematics is also possible.

At the graduate level, we have the PhD in Mathematical Sciences, Master of Arts (MA) in Mathematics, and Master of Arts (MA) in Statistics degrees. We cooperate with the Department of Teaching, Learning and Educational Leadership in their Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) degree for future high school teachers. There is also a combined five-year BA/MAT degree.

While our highest degree is a PhD "in Mathematical Sciences," a significant number of our doctoral dissertations are written on research topics in mathematical statistics.

All faculty members and post-doctoral visitors are active researchers. The main areas of concentration in the department are: Algebra, Analysis, Combinatorics, Geometry/Topology and Statistics.