Pride and Joy Families
Who we are
Pride and Joy Families (LGBTQ+ Family Building Project) works to support LGBTQIAP+ people and families to live happy, healthy, and flourishing lives. We develop resources and support for LGBTQ+ parents, both prospective and current, LGBTQ+ youth, and LGBTQ+ people looking to build community in a chosen family.
One of our primary goals is to build community and solidarity among LGBTQ+ individuals and families in Central New York. We do this through hosting community support groups and social events for queer people of all ages! Check out the links on our website or email our Project Lead at to learn more about upcoming events or be added to our mailing list!
Did you know we offer free cultural responsiveness trainings to healthcare, human services providers, schools, and administrative offices? We offer trainings on topics ranging from LGBTQ 101, What is Privilege and Power?, LGBTQ Families and Family Formation, Form Changes to Create Affirming spaces for LGBTQ people, Welcoming environments and How to Create them in the Workplace. Interested in a specialty training? Reach out to us and we can put something together!
Check out the links on our website and contact us for more information about trainings, workshops,and events!
Past Events
Through Fall Family Forums, community members will have the opportunity to learn from and ask questions of local scholars engaged in transformative work with the LGBTQ+ community while sharing their experiences to better understand how this collective knowledge can impact thier daily lives. Food, refreshments, and select prizes will be proivded as well as time to socilaize with other community members.
Location: Binghamton University Downtown Center
Description:The Gender Wellness Center, Pride and Joy Families, and Binghamton University
Dept. of Social Work invite mental health clinicians to attend their next co-sponsored
training, Monday, May 13th in Binghamton, NY. Please share this invitation with interested
Goals for the session: 1-Understand the history and theoretical basis of the gender affirming model of care. 2-Gain an understanding of a multi-faceted approach to working with clients to explore and clarify their individual gender identity, and assess readiness for medical/ surgical transition options. 3-Learn from peers and build community, by participant sharing of clinical examples and questions.
Presenters: Justine Woolner-Wise, LMSW; Patti Noon, LMSW; Susan Turell, PhD
Location: Identity Youth Center, 206 State Street, Binghamton
Description: Binghamton Rainbow Kids is a new support group for families with LGBTQ+ children ages 12 and younger. The group will offer kids the chance to socialize with one another in the care of youth facilitators while their parents/caregivers meet and engage in their own supportive conversation. Karen Fuller, Credentialed Family Peer Advocate with more than 10 years of experience working with families of trans youth, oversees the group and will facilitate the parents' discussion. Binghamton Rainbow Kids is offered free of charge and is open to all families with a young LGBTQ child. Sponsors of the new group are Identity Youth Center (Binghamton), Pride and Joy Families (Binghamton), and the Q Center (Syracuse). Information and to RSVP for future gatherings, please contact Karen Fuller at (800) 475-2430 or The group launched in January 2019 and meets at Identity Youth Center, 206 State Street, Binghamton.
AFFIRM Mental Health Provider Training
Date: Thursday, April 4-Friday, April 5, 2019
Location: DoubleTree Hotel, Binghamton, NY 13902
Description: Affirmative Cognitive Behavioral Therapy w/LGBTQ+ Populations
Please join Pride and Joy Families and the Binghamton University Dept. of Social Work for a unique training for mental health providers. 13.5 Social Work Contact Hours were offered.
AFFIRM: Affirmative Cognitive Behavioral Therapy with Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Questioning (LGBTQ+) Populations is an advanced, two-day training on the science and practice of applying Affirmative Cognitive Behavioral Therapy with LGBTQ+ populations.
Trainers: Ashley Austin, LCSW, PhD & Shelley Craig, LCSW, PhD
New registration fees just announced:
$50: basic (no Continuing Education Units)
$150: basic w/Social Work CEUs
$100: Binghamton University SW Field Instructors w/Social Work CEUs
Participants will receive information about the context for affirmative and strengths-based models of practice, will learn about broad applications of CBT in general and AFFIRM in particular, and will also have an opportunity to practice AFFIRM. Following this training, participants will have the option of receiving coaching from Drs. Austin and/or Craig as clinicians seek to apply what they have learned in the workshop.