What to expect

The VARCC was established so that students can report an incident or receive support from a variety of resources in one location. When you come to the VARCC, you can choose which resources you would like to be connected with to best serve you. You can also schedule an appointment to meet with more than one resource at once to minimize the number of times you have to talk about what happened. 

Making an appointment online

You can review available resources on our team members webpage to learn more about who you might want to meet with. Team members fall into one of two categories: confidential or private.

  1. A confidential resource is a service provider with whom information remains fully confidential between the student and the source. The provider will not report your situation to the University or anyone else without your consent except in cases of imminent harm. 
  2. A private resource is trained to assist students, provide resources and preserve students' rights. It is important to note that private resources are obligated to report sexual assault, rape, relationship violence and stalking incidents to the Title IX Coordinator. 

When filling out our online contact form to make an appointment, you will have the opportunity to choose which team members you would like to meet with. Once the form is submitted, a team member will contact you to schedule a time to talk.


If you stop by the VARCC without an appointment, you will be greeted by our receptionist, who will gather some basic information to determine which team members will best meet your needs. You will still be able to choose to speak with a confidential or private service provider. You can also meet with multiple providers. If the appropriate team member(s) is not currently in the office, the receptionist will assist you.

During the meeting

Private providers will begin the meeting by explaining their obligation to report instances of sexual assault, rape, relationship violence and stalking to the Title IX Coordinator. They will listen to your story in a caring and non-judgmental way, assess for immediate or emergency care needs, develop safety plans with you and discuss your options on and off campus. Private care providers will also, with your permission, follow up after the appointment to see how you are doing and if you have any questions following the initial meeting.

Confidential providers will also listen to your story in a caring and non-judgmental way, offer suggestions for options and support, and develop a care plan with you. Confidential providers only report aggregate data for Clery reporting purposes, which cannot be tracked back to the reporter. Other than that, confidentially reported information goes no further than the service provider unless there is a threat of imminent harm.