event at Art Museum


All events are free and open to the public.

Homelands: Contemporary Haudenosaunee Art Across New York
Opening reception
Thursday, September 5, 5:00-7:00PM

Homelands: Contemporary Haudenosaunee Art Across New York unites multigenerational Haudenosaunee artists and knowledge holders who center their historical relationship and reciprocity to the land, air, and waters across New York State. Working through diverse practices including photography, painting, sculpture, basketry, beadwork and documentary, the landscape is not a backdrop, but integral to Haudenosaunee culture and lived experience, which is woven into the work. The exhibition serves as a visual form of Indigenous knowledge sharing. It reclaims space and history through art, inviting visitors to reconnect with the land beneath their feet.

Guest curated by Luanne Redeye (Seneca), Assistant Professor, Department of Art Practice, University of California, Berkeley

Generous support is provided by the National Endowment for the Arts. Additional assistance provided by Joshua DeMarree and the E.W. Heier Teaching and Research Greenhouses, and the Binghamton Native American and Indigenous Studies Working Group.

Artists and Curator in Conversation
Brandon Lazore, Hayden Haynes, Margaret Jacobs and Natasha Smoke Santiago with guest curator, Luanne Redeye
Thursday, October 17, 5:00 pm
Main Gallery

Community-made basket facilitated by Black Ash Basketmakers
Binghamton Haudenosaunee Festival
Saturday, October 19
Peace Quad

 The Burning of My Coldspring Home, 2024
Film screening and talk with filmmaker Caleb G. Abrams (Onöndowa'ga:', Wolf Clan) 
Co-sponsored by the Cinema Department
Wednesday, November 6, 6:30 pm
Lecture Hall 6


Last Updated: 8/27/24