Broome-Tioga Board of Cooperative Educational Services (BOCES) partners with Binghamton
University and Lourdes Health Care to win the federal Safe Schools - Healthy Students
(SS-HS) grant. Through this grant, a county wide initiative connected services within
the community to address youth violence.
Masters of Social Work (MSW) Fellows began supporting local schools through the SS-HS
grant, becoming the first county-wide coordinated placement.
The New York State Education Reform Commission named the implementation and expansion
of community schools as a recommendation.
Binghamton University, Lourdes Health Care, Broome County Superintendents and various
other community members joined together to propose Broome County become a New York
State Promise Zone in order to continue the SS-HS work after the grant had ended.
Binghamton University partners with BOCES and Broome County Mental Health to begin
the implementation of the county-wide university assisted community school model under
the Promise Zone designation.
Summer Zone was developed to offer summer programming serving middle school students.
College of Community and Public Affairs partnered with Binghamton University’s Center
for Civic Engagement to facilitate the placement of university interns and volunteers
in local school districts to support students and the community school model.
Kim Myers and Dick’s Sporting Goods partnered with Binghamton University Community
Schools to create B.U.S Bucks to combat chronic absenteeism.
Binghamton University Community Schools was established.
The New York State Department of Education designated Binghamton University as the
Community School Technical Assistance Center (TAC) for Central and Western New York.
The first cohort of the Advanced Certificate Program (developed in partnership with
the Children’s Aid Society National Technical Assistance Center) graduated.
BUCS Regional Network was developed.
Received Netter Center University-Assisted Community Schools Regional Training Center
(NY and NJ).
Full-time Regional Network Director hired to focus on local work.
Expansion in Spring 2021 to include Community Based and Faith Based Organizations
in hard hit COVID areas (CARES).
21st Century Community Learning Centers Technical Assistance Resource Center launched
fall 2021.
The Rural Mental Health and Family Partner Program were launched under the Mental
Health Service Professional Demonstration Grant in the Fall of 2023.