Donald Quataert Undergraduate Research Prize
Description: This prize recognizes excellence in undergraduate research in the study of the Ottoman Empire. The prize honors the intellectual legacy of Distinguished Professor of History, Donald George Quataert, an internationally-renowned scholar of Ottoman labor and social history and a mentor to an entire generation of fine scholars in the field.
Criteria: The prize will be awarded annually to an undergraduate student at Binghamton University and will be selected based on a completed paper, project, or thesis.
The prize will be awarded in May of each academic year by the CMENAS Director with input from other CMENAS faculty.
- Students may submit their own entries for consideration or may be nominated by a faculty member.
- Entries must have been produced as a result of a course taken at Binghamton University.
- Entries are due to the CMENAS office via email by 11:59 pm on December 10, 2024.
- Email:
Donald Quataert Educational Enrichment Grant
Amount: $1500
Description: This award aims to support and further undergraduate research and educational enrichment in Middle East and North Africa Studies by providing funding for opportunities such as study abroad, summer language training either abroad or in the US, conference attendance, research travel, archival work, and professional development.
Criteria: Funding from this grant will be provided to undergraduate students.
Funding will be made by application and awarded during the Fall or Spring semester, but no later than March 31 of each year.
Proposals for funding should be no longer than two pages (including a budget), and should describe the nature of the opportunity to be pursued and its significance for the student’s academic work.
The proposal should include the following:
- Is this for study abroad? If so, which program or programs are you considering? Why?
- Is this for travel? If so, explain where and why. What is it that you plan to do? What do you hope to get out of it? What do you expect to produce (paper, artwork, other) as a direct result of the experience?
- Is this for a research project? If so, what is the topic? What do you expect to produce and what do you hope to achieve?
- Entries are due to the CMENAS office via email by 11:59 pm on December 10, 2024.
- Email:
If this is for something other than the above, explain what you have in mind and provide an estimation of relevant costs (travel, lodging, equipment, etc).