Economics Job Candidates

Placement Directors

Sulagna Mookerjee: (

Ajinkya Keskar: ( )

Market Candidates 2023-2024

Nhan N. Tran
Nhan N. Tran
Nhan N. Tran

Curriculum vitae | Homepage|

Job Market Paper: "The effects of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals on Labor Market Outcomes"
References: Solomon Polacheck (Chair), David Slichter, and Sulagna Mookerjee
Research Interests: Labor Economics, Economics of Immigration, Public Policy, and Applied Microeconomics

Jonathan Mansfield
Jonathan Mansfield

Jonathan Mansfield

Curriculum vitae | Homepage|

Job Market Paper: "Does Welfare Promote Child Development? Evidence from Bunching"
References: David Slichter (Chair), Gregorio Caetano, and Sulagna Mookerjee
Research Interests: Labor Economics, Applied Microeconomics, and Economics of Education

Ke Hu
Ke Hu

Ke Hu

Curriculum vitae | Homepage|

Job Market Paper: "Desired Fertility and Education: Evidence from China"
References: Zili Yang (Chair), Christopher Hanes, and Jonathan Scott
Research Interests: Applied Microeconomics, Economic Demogrpahy and Labor Economics

Shanike Smart
Shanike Smart

Shanike Smart

Curriculum vitae | Homepage|

Job Market Paper: "Phasing Out Shift Schools: More Instructional Hours Linked to Better High-Stakes Test Scores"
References: Solomon Polachek (Chair), David Slichter, and Sulagna Mookerjee
Research Interests: Education Economics, Health Economics, Labor Economics, and Development Economics

Ancilla Marie Inocencio
Ancilla Inocencio

Ancilla Marie Inocencio

Curriculum vitae | Homepage|

Job Market Paper: "Clearing the Air, Unequally: Disparities in the Long-Term Air Quality Impacts of COVID-19 Lockdowns in the U.S."
References: Neha Khanna (Chair), Andreas Pape, and Cyn-Young Park
Research Interests: Applied Microeconomics, Environmental Economics, and Development Economics