Office of Student Conduct

Welcome 2024/2025 Students!

As you begin your journey, learning the code of conduct is a great place to start! Binghamton University students are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that supports and promotes the educational mission of the University. Integrity, respect for one another and others’ property and a commitment to intellectual and personal growth in a diverse community are core values of Binghamton University. 

Reminder of Binghamton's Good Samaritan Policy:

In cases of alcohol and/or prohibitive drug intoxication, the primary concern is the health and safety of the individual(s) involved. Individuals are strongly encouraged to call for medical assistance for themselves or for a friend/acquaintance who is suffering alcohol poisoning. No student seeking medical treatment for an alcohol or other drug-related overdose or other life-threatening medical emergency will be subject to University discipline for the sole violation of using or possessing alcohol or drugs. This policy shall extend to another student seeking help for the intoxicated student and/or the student who is facing a life-threatening medical emergency. 

Our Mission

The Office of Student Conduct works collaboratively to create a safe and civil learning environment by offering multiple pathways to address student behavior. We strive to provide an unbiased, transparent and timely process that is developmental and holds students accountable while compliant with government mandates.

Large text spelling out 'know the code

Integrity. Community. Respect. 

These key terms are the foundation of Binghamton University's code of conduct. We emplore all students, faculty and staff to have an understanding of the code of conduct, to ensure a smooth transition into University life and to know the expectations that have been laid out. 

SCI Badge The Office of Student Conduct is a member of the SUNY Student Conduct Institute. For more information and available training materials, visit the Student Conduct Institute website.
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