Campus Research Opportunity Postings (CROP)

Research Opportunities

Mechanical Engineering: Data Analyst; Programmer; Document Researcher


We are looking for energetic undergraduate researchers to participate in the research of bacterial outer membrane vesicle (OMV) biogenesis using computational simulations. The project will characterize detailed interactions of OMV-inducing molecules with bacterial membrane lipids and explore the fundamental biochemical and biophysical mechanisms that drive OMV formation. The students will assist with performing molecular dynamics and quantum chemical calculations on local Unix/Linux workstations and remote clusters. They will also assist with programming MATLAB/C code and analyzing data.

Preferred Qualifications: Strong background in math and physics and notable experience in programming are required. Coursework in biochemistry and molecular biology and any experience in UNIX/Linux systems are desirable.

*Paid opportunity available during the summer months*

Faculty Advisor: Dr. Xin Yong

Academic Department: Mechanical Engineering


Classification: Volunteer

Position Availability:

  • Spring
  • Summer
  • Fall
  • Winter


  • Junior

Appropriate Major(s):

  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Biochemistry
  • Physics

Minimum GPA (if applicable): 3.6

Pre-requisite coursework/experience:

Application Deadline:

Application Procedure:

Include a short blurb explaining why you are interested and applying for this position, and send it with a resume to Dr. Xin Yong at