Philosophy (BA, minor)

Program Overview

A Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy teaches students to examine the world using logic and critical reasoning skills. Philosophy asks fundamental questions about the world we live in: about the meaning of human life; the nature, purpose and limit of human knowledge; the character and contents of our moral experiences; and the justness of our institutions.

Degrees Offered

  • BA in Philosophy


  • Philosophy

Internships, Research Opportunities and More

The Philosophy Department offers qualified students the ability to obtain a master’s degree in social, political, ethical and legal philosophy (SPEL) in just five years! For further information visit the five-year combined degree webpage.

In addition to the fast-track SPEL master’s degree program, the Philosophy Department offers a Pell Honors Program.


Some courses to consider in your first year:

After You Graduate

A major in philosophy is useful not only for students who plan to continue in graduate studies in philosophy, but also for those thinking of careers in law, business, government, industry, medicine or the arts, or any career that requires creativity and logical and analytic skills. Philosophy majors have some of the best scores on tests, such as the GRE, LSAT and GMAT, as a result of their training.

Here are a few career fields to explore:

  • business owner
  • filmmaker
  • graduate education
  • health and medicine
  • international relations
  • journalist
  • lawyer
  • non-governmental organization
  • nonprofit management
  • primary education
  • property developer
  • psychologist
  • social worker

Accelerated/4+1 Degrees

You may also be interested in our accelerated/4+1 degree programs which allow students to complete their bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree in just 5 years!

For more information, visit the Philosophy website.