Volunteer Recognition

The Center for Civic Engagement is committed to collaborating with the community and recognizing those who give their time and talent to serve others. See below for the different ways volunteers are recognized!

Community Engagement Impact Cord

The Community Engagement Impact Cord is a graduation cord available to graduating undergraduate students who have completed at least 150 hours of community-based service/engagement. 

Requirements for the Community Engagement Impact Cord

  • Must be an undergraduate student graduating in May 2025
  • Must have completed at least 150 hours of community-based service/engagement
  • Individual or group based service hours must be logged in B-Engaged through the Service Hours tool (information below)
  • Must complete the Community Engagement Impact Cord Application Form

The deadline for applications is Wednesday, April 9. Hours required to be logged in B-Engaged must be added to B-Engaged by the application deadline. 

Notifications to those whose applications are approved will be sent starting Monday, April 14. This notification will include instructions for picking up your cord. Notifications will be sent by Friday, April 18

  • What is considered community-based service/engagement?
    Individual volunteering/service done off campus and/or to benefit communities off campus (must be logged through the B-Engaged Service Hours tool)
  • Service with a student organization or group done off campus and/or to benefit communities off campus (must be logged through the B-Engaged Service Hours tool)
  • Service done through a co-curricular program such as ELP, Youth Initiative, LEAD, impactBING CORE, etc. with activities done off campus and/or to benefit communities off campus
  • Community-Engaged Learning courses
  • Community-based internships/placements with nonprofits and government organizations 

Your service/engagement does not have to be local! The criteria above includes any communities outside of the Binghamton University campus. This can be local to the Binghamton area, the New York State region, nation-wide and beyond for international service. This can also include virtual and online service experiences. 

How do I log my service hours in B-Engaged? 
You can check your logged service hours in B-Engaged by following these steps: 

  1. Log into B-Engaged using your BU login information
  2. On the left hand side of the screen under My Activity, click on the My Involvement dropdown to open that menu
  3. At the bottom of that list, click My Service Hours
  4. Any service hours you have logged on B-Engaged will be found on the page that opens

If there are service hours missing from B-Engaged that are included in the list above, you will need to log them in order to receive the Community Engagement Impact Cord. The B-Engaged team has created this video tutorial on how to add your service hours

Submit your application now! 
You can apply by completing the Community Engagement Impact Cord Application Form

If you have any questions about the Community Engagement Impact Cord, the application form or adding your service hours to B-Engaged, you can contact Renae Barber at rebarber@binghamton.edu

President’s Award for Staff Excellence in Community Engagement  

The President's Award for Staff Excellence in Community Engagement recognizes Binghamton University staff who have demonstrated an exemplary commitment to community engagement that contributes to meaningful change. Staff will be recognized for their community work, such as board service, volunteering, fundraising and other community-benefiting activities, that take place outside of their employee role. 

One honoree will be selected annually and will receive a $1,000 award. 

Selection Criteria

Nominees will be reviewed based on the following criteria:

Depth of community involvement (length of time, level of responsibility, etc.)
Scope of community involvement (range of activities and/or organizations impacted)
Impact of involvement on our community 
A selection committee with representatives from the Center for Civic Engagement, Professional Staff Senate, CSEA and the Office of the President will review nominations and select the awardee. 


Binghamton University professional, classified and Research Foundation staff are eligible for this award. Management Confidential staff are excluded.

To submit a nomination:

Submit the following materials to the Center for Civic Engagement at cce@binghamton.edu no later than Friday June 28, 2024.

Nomination letter, maximum two pages, speaking to selection criteria
One letter of support from a community organization that briefly describes the impact of the nominee’s involvement 
Faculty, staff, students, and community partners are all encouraged to nominate award candidates. Self-nominations are also welcomed.

Questions should be directed to Jeremy Pelletier at jpellet@binghamton.edu.

Volunteer Recognition Stickers 

The Center for Civic Engagement is dedicated to celebrating and enriching our campus’s commitment to volunteering. Students who log at least 25 hours in a semester through our signature programs will earn a volunteer recognition sticker. Students in a co-curricular program (impactBING CORE, Youth Initiative, and/or badge program) should log their volunteer hours through the timesheet provided to them at orientation. Students who are enrolled in a Community-Engaged Learning (CEL) course should log their time through B-Engaged. Contact khickey@binghamton.edu to learn more.

Student Awards

Binghamton University's Student Awards celebrate and honor the outstanding achievements of those who shine in and out of the classroom, who lead by example and who have made significant contributions to the University community.