Center for Theater Arts Collaboration 戏剧交流中心

The Center for Theater Arts Collaboration (CTAC) was jointly formed by Binghamton University, State University of New York, and its partner, the National Academy of Chinese Theater Arts (NACTA) in Beijing, China, in December 2021. As the only center of its kind in the world, CTAC works with scholars and artists in the U.S., China, and across the world, advancing East-West theatrical exchange, communication, and collaboration through teaching, performance, research, and its unique electronic magazine, TheaComm: An E-Journal of Theater Arts Communication.


CTAC News:

The Center for Theater Arts Collaboration is jointly established by BU and NACTA  中国戏曲学院与美国纽约州立宾汉顿大学共建“戏剧交流中心”

The live picture of CTAT Establishing Meeting

An online summit between Binghamton University and the National Academy of Chinese Theatre Arts took place on August 30, 2021. President Harvey Stenger, Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost Don Nieman met with NACTA’s President Yin Xiaodong and Vice President Song Fei. Together, they reviewed the “Memorandum for Intent of Cooperation” and the “Project Agreement on the Establishment of the Center for Theater Arts Collaboration” and reached a consensus on collaboration.

北京时间8月30日19:30至20:30(美东时间30日上午7:30至8:30),学院院长尹晓东、副院长宋飞、教务处长李钢、科研与研究生工作处长李威、国际交流合作部主任于建刚及相关工作人员,与美国纽约州立宾汉顿大学校长Harvey Stenger、常务副校长兼教务长Don Nieman、副教务长Madhusudhan Govindaraju、哈珀文理学院戏剧系主任Barbara Wolfe以及教授Zu-yan Chen等专家通过网络会议形式,共同审议了新时期两校间《开展全面合作备忘录》以及《建立戏剧交流中心专项协议》两份合约,并一致达成合作共识。