Education Abroad

Education Abroad at NACTA (2024-2025)

The National Academy of Chinese Theatre Arts (NACTA) is a higher education institution committed to nurturing exceptional artistic talents. We provide a diverse range of bachelor's and master's degree programs, including B.A., B.M., M.A., and M.F.A., for international students interested in Chinese opera and theatre performance, music, directing, stage arts, cross-media arts, cross-cultural communication, and cultural industry management. Applications for the 2024/2025 programs are now open. Please click below for more details. 

中国戏曲学院是中国唯一一所独立建制的培养戏曲艺术高级专门人才的大学,是中国戏曲教育的最高学府,被誉为“中国高端戏曲人才培养的摇篮”。学院设有京昆系、表演系、导演系、音乐系、戏曲文学系、舞台美术系、艺术管理与文化交流系,现面向全球非中国籍人士招收2024 年本科生和2024年硕士生。


Programs 专业:

Peking Opera and Kunqu Opera Performing Arts (BA,MFA,MA Programs)京昆表演

Chinese Opera Physical Training (BA,MFA,MA Programs)戏曲形体

Chinese Opera Directing (BA,MFA,MA Programs)戏曲导演

Chinese Opera Music Composition and Music Production (BA,MFA,MA Programs)戏曲作曲与音乐制作

Chinese Music and Performing Arts (BA,MFA,MA Programs)中国民族器乐演奏

Transmedia Art (BA,MFA,MA Programs)跨媒体艺术

Stage Arts (BA,MFA,MA Programs)舞台美术

International Cultural Communication (BA,MFA,MA Programs)国际文化交流

If you are interested in applying for any program at NACTA (2024-2025), please contact either Ms. Monica Liu ( from CTAC or Ms. Lu Liu ( ) from NACTA. 
如果您对申请中国戏曲学院2024-2025学年任何一个专业感兴趣,请联系戏剧交流中心的Monica Liu女士 ( 或者中国戏曲学院的刘璐女士 ( 。