Key themes

  • Early diagnostic tools

    Development of early diagnostic tools for both acute and chronic cases of Lyme and other tick-borne illnesses.

  • Risk assessment tools

    Development of risk assessment tools through the use of computer simulations of data collected by research teams throughout the Upper Susquehanna River Basin and New York state, and by use of newly created and existing, available data and databases in New York, the Northeast and upper Midwest. Once developed, computer simulation models and resulting algorithms of risk would be made available to the public health community at local, state, regional and national levels.

  • Improved healthcare and treatment regimens

    Development of improved healthcare and treatment regimens to reduce long-term illness in patients with late-stage Lyme disease who have recurring and exacerbated symptoms.

  • Public health intervention and prevention strategies

    Development of public health intervention and prevention strategies that can be used by the public health community in endemic areas.

  • Educational research training

    Educational research training of graduate and undergraduate students.

  • Outreach

    Adult education and primary to secondary school educational programs that can be used to disseminate information to individuals and communities through community and school presentations and engagement with community groups.