

The lookup feature allows you to quickly find a value for a field. The lookup button (…) next to a field indicates that the field has the lookup feature.


Note: to add the Name field, click Tab on your keyboard.

To search for a person:

  1. Next to the ID field, click on the three dots (…) and then click Person Search. A Person Search SOAIDEN form will open.
  2. Type in criteria and click Go. Wildcards – two wildcards can be used to search: percentage and underscore.
    For Example: if you are looking for the last name “Smith” but you do not know if it is spelled “Smyth” or “Smithe”, you can search for it using the wildcards: Sm_t%. 
    • Percentage (%) sign represents a character or set of characters. This can be used at the beginning, middle or end of a word.
    • Underscore (_) sign represents one occurrence of a character. This can be used at the beginning, middle or end of a word.
  3. Once you have found the person, highlight the ID field and click Select (bottom right side of page) or double-click in the ID field and then click Go.

Page Navigation




  1. Recently Opened icon: allows you to access all pages opened during a session. The number indicates the number of pages opened in a session.
  2. Page Header: the page header identifies the open page name and contains icons for basic navigation.
  3. Related and Tools icon:
    • Related menu displays a list of pages that can be accessed from this page.
    • Tools menu includes refresh, export, print, clear record, clear data, item properties, display ID image, and other options controlled by the page.
  4. Main Key Block: the first block on most pages contains key information.
    Required Fields
    An asterisk (*) displayed next to a field name indicates that the field requires a value before you continue on the page. If you leave a section or page without entering information in the required field, the page notifies you in the Notification Center.
  5. Open/Close Sections: pages are divided into sections that contain additional details for the key information.
    • Click the down or up arrow to open and close a section.
  6. Section icons: Each section has the following icons for that section:
    • Insert records
    • Delete records
    • Copy records
    • Filter records
    • More Information icon displays if supplemental data can be entered for the record.