
Trainings in LGBTQ Cultural Responsiveness

We all desire to lead healthy, happy and peaceful lives.  For members of the LGBTQ community, part of leading such fulfilling lives is dependent upon culturally competent, diversity sensitive providers and services.

One of our most important goals is to help people gain insights into LGBTQ lives as well as discrepancies and disparities affecting the LGBTQ community. We aim to provide you with tools to create affirming practices and productive spaces for everyone to flourish in their lives.

We offer trainings for healthcare providers, human service providers, businesses, nonprofit organizations, primary and secondary schools, college campuses, and more! No prior knowledge or experience is necessary for most of the trainings: the only necessity is your willingness to work together with us to make world a more inclusive place.

A sample of the kinds of trainings we provide can be found below. We would also be happy to work with you to develop a specialty training specific to your organization. You can start by filling out the request form below and someone from our office will be in touch within a week from submission. Our trainings are provided at cost or at no charge.

Sample Trainings:

LGBTQ 101:Terms, processes , basics of sexual and gender diversity. We tailor this training each time based on your needs and your level of knowledge.

Intake form changing: You think your intake forms are antiquated? You think you need to clean up the terms in your forms and perhaps be more affirmative and welcoming for LGBTQ folks? We can help you do that. Request a training and we will work with you to tailor your organization's forms/ language/ discourses to the needs to your LGBTQ  clients. - Some LGBTQ prior training or LGBTQ 101 is a prerequisite.

LGBTQ Families: How are families with one or more LGBTQ members different and the same as other families? What are the family-building options available to LGBTQ adults? What legal and financial strategies should  LGBTQ adults/parents take to ensure the safety and continuity of their families? What sorts of supports do these families need from their health and human service providers, allies and communities?

Power and Opression: We all have power and we all lack it. If you want think about how to be fairer, more just and more compassionate towards others, understand other's needs as well as know your boundaries, we can work on our privileges and power together.

How to be an Ally?: One of the key aspects of being an ally is to know one's own capacity. By knowing ourselves and our own conditions, we can know when to intervene, how to act and how to support those who need our hand to lift them up. In this particular training, participants explore their own positions  to become better allies for oppressed populations and offered ways to become allies.

Specialty Training: Not seeing what you want on our list? Reach out and we can work together to develop a specialty training unique to your organization.

Request a Training