Following graduation, I became a staff nurse in the Pediatric ICU at Upstate Golisano
Children’s Hospital. After eight months, I took on a charge nurse role where I had
the opportunity to lead my team. I also volunteered to chair the Unit Shared Governance
and Pediatric Specialty committees, which gave me the chance to be involved with policy
review and reform as well as special projects at the unit and hospital level. After
two years, I began precepting new nurses and found that I loved to teach and mentor
others. This led me to seek a position as a pediatric clinical instructor for Utica
College’s ABSN program. During this time I also achieved my certification in both
pediatrics and critical care, and took classes including the Trauma Nursing Core Course,
Advanced Burn Life Support and Pediatric Advanced Life Support.
Yearning to hone my leadership skills brought me to my current position as manager
of Nursing Relations and Retention. This role has brought me a new skillset and an
interesting perspective on healthcare. I interface with nursing leadership, human
resources, communications, nursing staff and nursing students. I am also involved
in recruitment, retention and recognition initiatives. I manage approximately 85 student
nurse assistants, direct our DAISY/ BEE award programs, recruit at career/college
events and support our nurse residency program.
I am also in the Master of Science degree program at Stony Brook University to become
a primary care pediatric nurse practitioner. I will graduate in May of 2021.
Advice to current students
Get involved! Treat nursing like the profession it is and not just a job! We are so
lucky to have so many opportunities available to us — from writing to teaching to
volunteering at events or on committees — there are so many amazing things you can
do. Like so much else in life, you will get out of nursing what you put into it, and
I encourage you to immerse yourself in all there is to offer!
Figure out how to take care of yourself. Nursing is a challenging job, especially
bedside nursing, and you can’t pour from an empty cup. Self-care is truly something
that can’t be overlooked as a nurse. Find a passion outside of nursing and prioritize
your wellbeing so you can take the best care of others!
Favorite memory
One memory that stands out is the scavenger hunt Homecoming Event, the Simulation
Elimination! My team called ourselves “BAT-tastic” and we fully committed to the role,
complete with Batman t-shirts, face paint and bandanas. Much to our disappointment,
we came in second place, but it was a really fun time. After the scavenger hunt, we
all went down to the Events Center for more Homecoming merriment including getting
a caricature drawing. It was a great day!
I grew up in Binghamton most of my life, so when I graduated I wanted to stay in the
area to be with people in this community. At UHS Wilson Medical Center, I work on
ST3 and NT3, which are the Cardiac Stepdown Telemetry Unit. I am also doing a residency
for my first year of employment that allows me to stay up to date on hospital policy,
practice nursing skills and have a better relationship with my managers and supervisors
in the UHS system.
Advice to current students
Try your best and work hard. Don’t worry about having a perfect GPA or getting the
highest scores on an exam, because all that will do is cause excess stress, which
you don’t need. I have never been asked what my GPA was when applying for jobs!
Learn from your mistakes because you’re going to make many throughout your nursing
career. That’s okay!
And finally, no matter what, don't stop grinding and learning, especially when it’s
hard because you’ll never regret the things you took a chance in, but you’ll regret
the things you didn’t.
Favorite memory
I’ve had several amazing memories at Decker School of Nursing whether it was in the
classrooms or clinical facilities. But if I had to choose my favorite memories, I
would have to go with the sim lab as those experiences brought everyone in Decker
together and had us learn and practice our skills in an environment similar to real-life
experiences. Though the times we were there were mainly learning and practical, I’ve
had so many laughs and bits of knowledge that really opened my eyes to my future as
a nurse.
My trajectory in the next five years would be to obtain my master's degree in nursing
education, publish multiple best-selling books and continue to be of service to my
community via nursing and my nonprofit work.
Advice to current students
Ask questions, put in the work and find a mentor. Having a Mentor is so important.
Nursing school is not easy, but it's worth it in the end.
Favorite memory
One of my favorite memories at Decker is all the lifetime friends that I made. I also
loved the amazing support system that was offered to students of color via groups
like the Mary E. Mahoney Nursing Support Group.
My long-term goal is to pursue a career as a legal nursing consultant. My short-term
goal is neuro psych and obtaining as much experience as possible.
Advice to current students
Apply for positions early: do not wait until the end of spring semester, especially
if you are looking at a specialty (ICU, ED, NICU, etc).
Go to all the meet and greets offered, even if you are not going to stay in the area.
It is an excellent way to network and practice your interviewing skills.
Take every opportunity, even if you think it's going to be awful. It may be awful,
but I guarantee it will help you grow and help you gain new skills.
Be a shark in clinical. Go after experience, ask a million questions and ask to be
a part of care even if it is not your patient. Be hungry for knowledge.
Favorite memory
The president’s champagne sendoff they host on campus in the spring is my favorite
memory. They take professional pics for free. It's a blast and a nice way to end a
grueling program.
My career path is up in the air. I hope to work as a flight nurse and work with international
aid missions. I’m interested in becoming a CRNA, but feel as though I may end up a
family NP in a small town somewhere. I’m still trying to find my sub-vocation.
Advice to current students
Find a strong preceptor during clinical that you connect with, and make sure to work
hard to get the nursing “flow” down. That includes all care and documentation. I&Os
are super important and often overlooked, don’t be that nurse! Do a full head to toe
assessment on everyone (even ambulatory patients that are AOx3) otherwise you will
miss things that can really make a difference.
Don’t forget to take care of yourself, emotionally and physically. Don’t forget the
other (more) important people in your life who should get your love first. Don’t neglect
the relationships that matter most. You will get emotionally exhausted, it’s part
of the job. There’s only so much you can care. But with time you’ll learn how to balance
it all (don’t rush to work overtime unless you need to). You’re right where you’re
meant to be.
Favorite memory
My favorite memory in Decker was a thank you I received from a patient’s family member
after they decided to pursue hospice. To see a family come together to make such a
difficult decision, all while supporting each other, was a beautiful thing. Nursing,
for me, is so much about the people I have the privilege to meet. This was a situation
where I was lucky enough to help a family stay healthy in the setting of a sick loved
one. Opportunities to help others, personal and professional, are endless and every
interaction is an act of service.
I graduated from Decker in 2005 and started working at Long Island Jewish Medical
Center on a medicine unit. While on that unit, I had the opportunity to come back
to Decker for recruiting, where I learned about a position on a renal transplant unit
at Northshore University Hospital. I was on that unit for three years before an opportunity
to work in the ED at Northshore presented itself. I started in the ED in the holding
unit and eventually transitioned to the main ED. To date, it was the best nursing
experience of my career. After a few years in the ED, I transitioned to ambulatory
services as a quality coordinator, where I have been for the past six years and love
Advice to current students
Consider every opportunity that comes your way. It might not come around again and
it can take you to places you don’t realize are possible.
Favorite memory
I still remember many of my clinical experiences and continue to reference them from
time to time. I remember driving to Syracuse to do our pediatric rotation and briefing
in an eight-person van. Last but not least, I can’t hear the song “Fast Car” by Tracy
Chapman without thinking of Judy Quaranta and her wonderful lecture about history
repeating itself and breaking the cycle.
I have been a registered nurse for eight years. I am from Orange County, N.Y. It has
been an exciting journey working with the intellectual developmental disabilities
(IDD) population for the past 20 years; 12 years as a direct support professional
(DSP) and eight years as a registered nurse.
I graduated with my associate degree in nursing at SUNY Orange in 2012. I started
as a registered nurse case manager; i got promoted to director of nursing six years
ago at a nonprofit organization to continue to support the people with IDD. I continued
my education and graduated from Chamberlain College of nursing in 2014 with my BSN
and 2016 with my master’s degree in nurse executive. I furthered my education journey
in a post-master’s degree as a FPMHNP at Binghamton University in order to support
the IDD population in a wider range.
I had the greatest experience at Decker School of Nursing because of the support I
had from the instructors (Drs. Williams, Martoccia, Schoenbach and Lee) and the FPMHNP
team leaders (Drs. Muscari and Rouhana and Mmes. Orton and Williams). Although it
was a tough program, the team made it easy because they were always available to support
Advice to current students
My advice is to be extremely organized, work hard and focus on your study with small
breaks in between. Ensure your support system is in line with your goal. Understand
this is a sacrifice, and it will go by fast. Most social events will need to be placed
on hold throughout the semester. Perseverance is the key to success; no matter what
gets in your way. You don't want to know how many times it seems like it would be
best if I put my psychiatric NP program on hold. I can give you one example. We have
been trying to get pregnant for 10 years, and when we finally stopped trying we became
pregnant the same month I got accepted to the program. I went through my psychiatric
NP program while managing a high-risk pregnancy, and today I can gratefully say I
am a mother of a healthy 18-month-old boy along with being a board certified PMHNP-BC.
My baby went through it with me. When I gave birth, I had the nurses take my baby
to the nursery at night, so I could complete my assignments in the hospital because
I knew when I got home it was not going to get easier.
Use your resources, save your paid time off (PTO) for your finals and big projects
and do not procrastinate! I sometimes submit my assignments six weeks prior to the
due date, which is a very nice feature Decker School of Nursing has. Not all schools
let you submit your assignments before the due date. Put all your efforts forward
and remember, the team at your program is always there for you.
Favorite memory
The most exciting and favorite moment at Decker School of Nursing was my first FPMHNP
course with Mary Muscari. It was a sense of accomplishment finishing my three Ps and
starting FPMHNP Role I: Assessment and Diagnosis. I felt I was on my way to becoming
a psychiatric nurse practitioner. I could not wait to start clinical. Today, I can
happily say I am a FPMHNP-BC thanks to the Decker School of Nursing family!
My advice to current Decker students would be to have FUN!!! Nursing school is so
tough and time flies by -- before you know it, all the stress will be over and you'll
be an RN, so enjoy the time in college while you can. Spend your free time with friends
and doing things you enjoy! It will help you get through the stress and will create
memories you'll reflect upon forever. Your hard work will pay off!
Do not be afraid to ask questions and take every opportunity in clinical to get your
hands on something new. Lastly, take studying for the NCLEX seriously. I always just
wanted to be on the other side already with my license and couldn't imagine what it
was like, but now I am here and you will be soon too!
Favorite memory
I can't really pick out one specific favorite memory, but probably growing so close
to the people in my program and having friends who truly understand what you're going
through. Nursing friends are the best!
Graduated in 2010 with a BS in nursing, 2014 with an MS in nursing, and am a current
PhD student in nursing
Employed as a community health NP at Montefiore Medical Center
Edwin Torres
Advice for current students
The advice I would give a current student is to "keep it pushing." They are on track
to an incredible career that is rewarding at many levels. Sometimes when you are focused
on a particular task (for example, all the schoolwork), it might seem impossible to
get to the finish line, but it can be done and you will get there. Think of your education
as a pizza pie that you cannot eat as a whole pie in one sitting, but if you take
it by slices, before you know it, it is over.
Make sure you take advantage of the faculty at Decker; they are very passionate about
teaching, and this is something I used when I was trying to find my career path. I
remember working as an undergrad with Yvonne Johnston on a project related to diabetes,
and that sparked my interest in this area of work. As a master's student, I learned
from Gale Spencer and Sharon Bryant how to look at the patient from a public health
view. We have talented faculty, and students shouldn't be shy to get out there and
see who can help you with your interest.
Career trajectory
As many of the students who are aspiring to be a nurse, I was an intra-university
transfer (IUT) student to Decker from Harpur. I was denied at the beginning, but that
did not deter me from continuing to applying to Decker and ultimately becoming a nurse.
After graduating, I worked at Upstate Medical Center in the telemetry unit, then I
left to NYC and worked at Lenox Hill. There I worked initially medical surgery and
then rotated to medicine, ED, orthopedic and urology floors. I enjoyed working, and
the interaction with patients, but my calling was to help patients diagnosed with
I started the community health program in 2014, and while working the master's program
I was able to take some of the PhD courses. Currently, I am working at Montefiore
Medical Center in the endocrine division, helping patients manage their diabetes diagnosis.
I have been fortunate to find people who love the same work I do, and they truly make
this journey more enjoyable. The next step is to finish the PhD and become a faculty,
practitioner and researcher in the area of diabetes related to social determinants
of health, "the trifecta."
Graduated in 2013 with a BS in nursing, a BA in philosophy and a certificate in forensic
health; 2016 with a MS in nursing and a certificate in nursing education; and 2019
with a PhD in nursing
Employed as an assistant professor at Adelphi University's College of Nursing and
Public Health
My first piece of advice is to not be afraid to go to your professors' office hours.
It helps you in terms of learning the material and you get to know your professors!
Knowing your professors is advisable since down the line you might need them for a
recommendation for an internship, capstone clinical or a future position. If they
know you, it will be easier for them to write about you!
My second piece of advice is to have fun. Treasure the friendships and memories that
you will create during your time at Decker, whether it be with your peers or professors.
Career trajectory
Edwin-Nikko R. Kabigting, PhD, RN-BC is an assistant professor in the Foundations
in Adult Nursing Practice Department at Adelphi University’s College of Nursing and
Public Health (CNPH).
Kabigting earned his bachelor of science in nursing, bachelor of arts in philosophy,
certificate in forensic health of adults, master of science in community health nursing,
graduate certificate of advanced study in nursing education, and doctor of philosophy
in nursing from Binghamton University’s Decker School of Nursing.
At Binghamton, he studied with world-renowned nurse theorist, Rosemarie Rizzo Parse.
Kabigting is a Parse Scholar and uses the humanbecoming paradigm (Parse, 2014) in
his scholarship and educational work. He is a respected scholar in national and international
arenas where he focuses on the investigation of universal living experiences and unique
nursing knowledge guided by Parse’s humanbecoming paradigm. His most recent work has
focused on the universal humanuniverse living experience of feeling overwhelmed in
a population of individuals who were receiving or providing services to HIV/AIDS patients.
He serves as the copyeditor for references in the international peer-reviewed journal,
Nursing Science Quarterly.
Before coming to Adelphi, Kabigting taught at Binghamton University at the undergraduate,
graduate and doctoral level in the areas of theoretical foundations, conceptual analysis,
nursing research, qualitative research, fundamentals of nursing, nursing assessment,
professional development, leadership, simulation and community/public health nursing.
Kabigting is a board certified (RN-BC) Nursing Professional Development Specialist
through the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC).
Clinically, he previously worked as a registered nurse in the observation unit of
the emergency department, telemetry/stroke unit, geriatrics and in post-acute care.
Kabigting has served in several leadership roles as a nurse, including as unit practice
council chair and as a member of a hospital-wide patient excellence team on issues
related to the delivery of person-centered care.
Network! Making connections and exploring any avenue available is the best way to
open doors. My career has taken so many twists and turns and I'm thankful to every
opportunity and person I met that led me to where I am.
Go to network events, conferences, continuing education, anything available to you.
Keep in touch with the people you meet and learn all you can -- nursing is a field
of endless opportunities and you never know what can spark your interest.
Career trajectory
As a new grad I started as a cardiothoracic ICU nurse in Northwell Health System and
stayed doing that for about four years. While working full time I also kept a per-diem
gig in the cath lab at NYP Columbia. I transitioned to care management about two years
ago as a management opportunity and a chance to be involved in another aspect of patient
In six short years as a nurse I've explored care of cardiac surgery patients, interventional
cardiology, diabetes education, advanced care planning, discharge planning and utilization
management. Where is my career going? I have NO idea, and that's the best part of
nursing! There are lots of different avenues I'm exploring right now, all thanks to
connections and networks I've built. Be excited, you are entering a career path of
endless opportunities.
Favorite memory
My favorite memory by far was when I had the opportunity to observe a transplant procurement
with Michael Garlough, who had done a lecture for us on organ transplant. I was really
inspired after the lecture to learn more about his role as a transplant coordinator.
We ended up sharing contact information and then he asked me if I wanted to come observe!
I stayed up all night observing the entire process from start to finish and to this
day it was one of the most incredible experiences of my life. It sparked my initial
interest in critical care and my passion for transplant advocacy! Just another example
of the beauty of networking.
Graduated in 2005 with a BS in nursing and 2009 with as MS in nursing in the FNP program
Employed as an assistant professor and director of the FNP program at Long Island
University Brooklyn
CEO of Premium Health Depot, Family Health NP, LLP
Co-Founder and president, Dr Nurses (
Julius Johnson
Advice for current students
Nursing doesn’t begin or end at the bedside. We are involved in every facet of healthcare,
from the community, to the schools, to policy, to the bedside, we are there. Never
let anyone stop you from dreaming and chasing after your goals. Grow with nursing.
Career trajectory
I started off in housecalls as an advanced practice nurse. That led to me specializing
in home based primary care as well as transitional care interventions to reduce to
high risk patients from readmissions. I currently own my own practice, Premium Health
Depot, and I plan on growing it and expanding it while sustaining Premium Health initiatives
for every member of every community. My goal of creating health equity in the communities
with the highest disparities drives me. I’m also working with a team on creating the
Doctor of Nursing Practice degree at LIU Brooklyn to help continue to grow our degree
and be a trail blazer in the role of the DNP in the world.
Favorite moment
I have two. One is the last night my group studied together our senior year. We laughed
and cried about the adversities we had been through together in Decker and at Binghamton.
While the program was tough on us (nothing great comes easy), it prepared us to face
anything in the nursing world. We shared so many dreams about what we would do after
graduation. The kind of nurses we would be. The lives we would help to save. That
night can carry me through the darkest times.
The second favorite memory was when I received an award at graduation for my community
service work and contribution to the community with an organization called JUMP Nation.
The professors could not understand why I wasn’t attached to the nursing building
like so many other nursing students. But a month before graduation the local news
had did a special on Jump Nation and highlighted the work we did. The professors were
astonished that I had found time to balance both nursing and the tireless work of
Jump Nation.
Have fun in school! Trust me, as long as you pass your classes and the NCLEX, everything
will fall into place. Never once have I been asked what my GPA is when applying for
jobs! Also, remember that life doesn't go in the perfectly straight line you imagined
it would. Don't be too hard on yourself. Finally, don't be afraid to spread your wings,
try a new specialty, or a new state.
Career trajectory
While at Binghamton, I had decided to move south, aiming for either North Carolina,
South Carolina or Tennessee. I flew down to Winston Salem, NC, the March before I
graduated and nailed an interview in the NICU on nights. I moved Memorial Day weekend
2015. I passed my NCLEX on a Tuesday in mid-June 2015 in NC, and was supposed to start
working a few days later, on Monday. The hospital I was hired for went into a hiring
freeze the Friday before I was due to start. They pushed my start date back two weeks,
which turned into two months. Luckily, once the freeze was up, my job was still available.
I worked full time in the NICU for 1.5 years, then transitioned to the ED, where I
started doing charge. I stayed in the ED for another 1.5 years. I then decided to
travel nurse with Medical Solutions, but only did two contracts. I absolutely loved
travel nursing and wish I could have done it longer! My boyfriend at the time asked
me to come back to NC and move in with him. I began in my current role in March 2019,
in the ED with Cone Health. My boyfriend then became my fiance, so Greensboro, NC,
is officially my home now! I am planning to sit for the CEN exam in early October
and I am planning to do a MSN/MHA program next fall (2020).
Favorite memory
It was an ongoing joke in the BAT program: I always finished every test first we took.
On the last exam we took in the program, everyone started clapping when I turned in
my test. It was a great feeling!