Current Sightings

Current Critter Sightings in the Preserve

Spot something interesting?


A Double Crested Cormorant has been staying in Harpur pond for the last few days. It has been spending a lot of time sitting on a log on the west side of the bridge ('87 Walkway); the right side if facing the hills.



Turtle hatchlings have been spotted in various parking lots. If found, e-mail You may release them into the Nature Preserve if they are not heading there or if they are in danger of getting hit by cars. However, do not put yourself in danger of being hit by cars to save the turtles.



Sora calling at 9:30 am in the Marsh near Lot M.



Baltimore Orioles, Catbirds, Brown Thrashers, are just some of the birds spotted in the Nature Preserve recently. Bluewing Warbler nest and Tufted Titmouse nests have been found.



An American Bittern has been calling pretty reliably for the past few days in the Marsh closest to Lot M. Others have actually seen it. The American Bittern is a brown/tan heron that sticks it's head straight up to become almost invisible, camouflaged in tall wetland plants.