Returning Student Housing

Returning student housing 2025โ€“26

Welcome to the returning student housing process! This process is for current residents interested in returning to on-campus housing for the 2025โ€“26 academic year. Students looking to return to campus must participate in this process in order to secure housing. 

Applications open Jan. 27. Students must submit their 2025-26 housing application by March 7, 2025 to be eligible to participate in room selection. 

Housing Process Timeline for 2025-2026 academic year:

January 27 Housing portal opens for students to submit the 2025-26 housing application
Feburary 21 Learning community applications due 
March 7 Deadline to submit the housing application
March 24 - April 2 Returning student room selection process

Key Information

๐Ÿ”‘ Throughout the housing process, communication will be sent exclusively through B-MAIL. Check your B-mail often for updates.

๐Ÿ”‘ Returning students are not guaranteed on-campus housing.

๐Ÿ”‘ NO ONE is guaranteed to return to their current room, suite, flat or apartment.

๐Ÿ”‘ Students who miss the March 7 deadline for submitting their 2025-26 housing application will not be eligible to participate in room selection.  NO EXCEPTIONS.  Students who miss the application deadline are eligible to place their name on the waitlist.

๐Ÿ”‘ For room selection purposes a group is not a group unless it is formed in the housing portal.

๐Ÿ”‘ After room selection, be sure to check your housing on the Application Status page in your housing portal to be sure you were correctly housed.

The online returning student housing process consists of TWO separate parts:

Part 1: Registration and group formation โ€” opens Jan. 27, 2025

To participate in room selection, students MUST register by completing the 2025-26 housing application by March 7. Completing a housing application does not obligate students to continue the housing process or bind them to the University Housing Agreement.

Learning community applications due โ€” Feb. 21, 2025

  • Students who are applying for or are returning to learning communities must still register online in order to sign the University Housing Agreement.
  • Students will be notified of their acceptance into the learning community prior to the start of room selection.
  • Students who are accepted into a learning community will be assigned to a room and DO NOT participate in the online room selection process.

Part 2: Room Selection โ€” March 24 - April 2, 2025

During room selection, students will be able to choose their rooms, flats, suites or apartments.

Selecting a room is a binding agreement

Once a student (or their group leader) selects a room in the returning student housing process, they are financially obligated to on-campus housing for the entire upcoming academic year. Students who select or are assigned to a room will not be released from the Housing Agreement. The only exceptions will be for students who are enrolled in a study abroad program or leaving the University.

Part 1: Registration and group formation

Register for housing

  • Beginning Jan. 27, 2025, log into the housing portal using your Binghamton University account username and password.  
  • READ and AGREE TO the 2025-26 University Housing Agreement
  • Choose housing type
    • Type 1: housing based on gender identity; Type 2: All Gender Housing
  • READ and AGREE TO optional specialty housing agreements (if interested). If signing up with a group, all group members must sign the same specialty housing agreements.
  • Participate in group formation if planning to sign up with a group of 2 or more people. 

REMEMBER: For room selection purposes, a group is not a group unless it is formed in the housing portal.

Housing Type

When starting the housing application, all students are required to select their housing type. Binghamton University offers two types of housing:

Housing Type 1: Housing based on gender identity

  • Students who choose this housing type pair with roommates, form groups and choose rooms with others who share the same gender identity.

Information regarding gender identity and how to enter your gender identity with the University is available on the Student Records website.

Housing Type 2: All Gender Housing 

  • Students who choose this housing type pair with roommates, form groups and live with others who may or may not share the same gender identity; with the intention of creating a welcoming environment for all.
  • Students who select All Gender Housing agree to live with a direct roommate that may or may not share their same gender identity. Students who do not wish to live with others of every gender identity should select Housing Type 1.

Binghamton University Residential Life sets the available housing for each housing type proportionally to the student interest and demand for the two housing types. Therefore, all students should select the housing type that is the right fit for them.  There is no advantage or disadvantage to choosing a particular housing type.  All students have the same opportunity to live in an area regardless of housing type. 


Determining your OPTION for Room Selection

There are four OPTIONS for selecting a room in the Returning Student Housing Process. It is important to understand these OPTIONS so that you do not miss your opportunity to select a room.

  • The OPTION you choose for room selection is based on where the members of the group currently live, where they want to live and whether the group can completely fill a corridor-style room, suite, flat or apartment.
  • During OPTIONS 1โ€“3, you must sign up with a group and your group must completely FILL a corridor-style room, suite, flat or apartment. Group size matters because to completely fill a 4-person suite, flat or apartment you need 4 people. Similarly, a group of 2 will only fill a corridor-style double room (only available in CIW and Newing). Pay attention to this as this is different from the rules you followed in the new student housing process.
  • Within the OPTIONS, there are time slots for room selection. Specific time slots within the OPTIONS will be posted on this web page prior to the start of the OPTION. The time slot in which an individual or group leader will be able to select a room is based on the average completed total credit hours for the individual or group.
    • Students will need to know their total credits earned to figure the average credit hours. In-progress credits DO NOT count. Check credits using your transcripts in BU Brain. To figure the group average, add the credits earned for each student and divide by the number of students in your group. Group averages are rounded to the nearest whole number.

Things to consider as you think about where you want to live

  • Housing costs vary based on area and room type. Be sure to check out the housing rates before selecting your room. 
  • Think about if you would like to be a part of a learning community and apply to the community by February 21. 
  • Consider where campus construction is scheduled to occur next year. As shared by President Stenger during the State of the University address, construction of the New Lecture Hall near Hinman College as well as the expansion of the NAR building, the new residence hall near CIW and Mountainview College and the renovation of Oneida Hall in CIW will all be underway. 
  • If you prefer corridor style living to promote meeting and connecting with people more easily consider Newing College or CIW Corridor Style Rooms. 
  • For the proximity to classroom buildings, especially the Lecture Hall, consider Hinman College. 

Housing accommodations

Binghamton University is committed to providing equal educational opportunity and full participation for students with disabilities. Students with documented disabilities who require an accommodation in order to fully participate in the residential component of their college experience may apply for housing accommodations through Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD). Housing accommodations include, but are not limited to, visual fire alarms, first-floor rooms, elevator access, climate control, single rooms and wheelchair accessible bathrooms. Residential Life has the most flexibility to work with and meet accommodations for students who apply for and receive their accommodation at least 30 days prior to the start of their room selection process. The SSD office will continue to accept and review housing accommodation requests beyond this timeline, but fulfillment will be based on availability.

Students with a current housing accommodation that plan to return to on-campus housing for 2025โ€“2026 must be re-approved for their housing accommodation with SSD. Students applying/re-applying for a housing accommodation must also participate in the housing process.

Specialty housing options

Students planning to live in specialty housing must sign the corresponding agreement in the housing portal. Signing a specialty housing agreement does not limit a student to those spaces. Rather, it allows students to have a wider selection of rooms to choose from.

  • Chemical-Free
    • Chemical-free rooms are available in ALL the traditional residential communities (College-in-the-Woods, Dickinson, Hinman, Mountainview and Newing).
    • Chemical-free housing is defined as a living environment where all residents and their guests agree to maintain a chemical-free lifestyle on and off campus and keep their living area free from substances at all times.
  • Quiet Living
    • Quiet living housing is available on the third floor of Lehman Hall and in Choconut, Glenwood and Nanticoke in the Susquehanna Apartments Community. Brandywine is NOT quiet living.
    • Quiet living lifestyle residents agree to a 24-hour quiet environment conducive to sleep and study. 

Visit our specialty housing web page to learn more about our specialty housing options. 

Form a group

Most students sign up with a group that completely fills a corridor-style room, suite, flat or apartment. This process gives priority to groups that are completely filling a space.  Completely fill means that the number of people in your group must match the size of the space. For example, to fill a six-person suite, you must have six people in your group. 

Groups can be changed as often as you would like prior to the start of room selection. This can be done in the housing portal using the group formation tools. Your group should be solidified by midnight the day before your room selection time. If you have to change your group leader during your room selection time, you will need to call Residential Life at 607-777-2321.

Students can also sign up as an individual and are not required to be part of a group. 

To form a group: 
  • All members of the group must register by logging into the housing portal and signing the 2025-26 University Housing Agreement.
  • To find each other in the portal and form a group, all group members must have selected the SAME housing type.
  • To find each other in the portal and form a group students who select housing type 1 - housing based on Gender Identity must all share the same gender identity. Students who do not share the same gender identity must all select housing type 2 - All Gender Housing in order to be able to form a group together.
  • Choose a GROUP LEADER. The group leader will create a group in the housing portal and invite others to join the group. 
    • The group leader will assign the entire group during room selection.
    • During Options 1-3 only the group leader will be able to access the portal. 
    • If you are signing up as an individual, you do not need a group leader in Option 4. 
    • The group leader can be changed.
  • All GROUP MEMBERS must accept the invitation to join the group. Once you join or create a group, other students will not be able to find you when they search for roommates in the portal. 
  • If you form a group and then change your plans, the group leader can delete the group. Individuals can also leave the group. 
  • Remember: if you are considering a speciality housing option, everyone in the group must sign the SAME speciality housing agreements
Group sizes

To completely fill a space, groups need to be configured as follows:

  • Apartments
    • 4 or 6 people to fill a Hillside apartment, all single rooms
    • 2 or 4 people to fill a Susquehanna apartment โ€” the number of 2-person apartments is very limited
    • Some apartments include a super single, which is a larger room with a full-sized bed. Be sure to check the housing rates as the room rate is higher.
  • College-in-the-Woods
    • 2 people to fill corridor-style double room
    • 3 people to fill designed triple room (limited availability)
    • 6 people to fill most suites (3 double rooms per suite)
    • 4 people to fill a 4-person suite (2 double rooms in the suite โ€” VERY limited availability)
  • Dickinson
    • 5 people to fill most flats (2 double rooms, 1 single room)
    • 4 people to fill a 4-person flat (4 single rooms in the flat)
    • 3 people to fill designed triple room with a private bathroom (limited availability)
    • 2 people to fill a corridor-style double with a private bathroom (limited availability)
  • Hinman
    • 6 people to fill most suites (3 double rooms in the suite)
    • 4 people to fill a 4-person suite (2 double rooms in the suite โ€” VERY limited availability)
  • Mountainview
    • 6 people to fill most suites (3 double rooms in a suite)
    • 4 people to fill a 4-person suite (2 double rooms in a suite โ€” VERY limited availability)
    • 3 people to fill designed triple room with a private bathroom (limited availability)
  • Newing
    • 3 people to fill designed triple room (limited availability)
    • 2 people to fill a corridor-style double room
    • 1 person to fill a corridor-style single room (VERY limited availability)

Part 2: Room Selection

Select your room

From March 24โ€“April 2, 2025, students who completed the 2025-26 housing application by the March 7 deadline will be able to select their rooms, suites, flats or apartments.

  • Students WILL NOT receive an email with their room selection timeslot. Read the instructions for each OPTION carefully to determine when you will sign up.
  • In addition to determining the correct OPTION, you will also need to identify the correct time slot during which you will select your room. Time Slots will be posted on this page prior to the start of each OPTION.
  • Log back into the housing portal using your Binghamton University account username and password.
  • Select your room.
    • For groups: 
      • For room selection, make sure the group leader and everyone within the group meets the requirement for the OPTION in which you are selecting your room.
      • Your group must be formed and confirmed in the housing portal.
      • Only the group leader can access the housing portal during room selection.  
      • The group leader will house the entire group. Group leaders must be sure to place all members of their group in a bed. If you are unable to house someone, let them know. Be sure you have the correct roommate pairings and have discussed who is to be assigned to each room.
    • For individuals: Students signing up as individuals will be able to access the portal during the appropriate time slot in OPTION #4. 

It is best to start your room selection as soon as your time slot allows. If you miss your timeslot, you will have to select your room during the next time slot within your OPTION or the next OPTION for which you or your group meets the qualifications.

You can make ONLY ONE selection during the process. Once your room selection is made, the process is complete. You cannot go back and change your room selection. 

OPTION schedule 

  • In OPTIONS 1โ€“3, you must completely fill the entire space (i.e., you need 6 people to completely fill a 6-person suite). Groups of 2 or 3 will only be able to fill corridor style rooms during these options.
  • During OPTION 4, students may sign up alone or with a partial group for any remaining beds (i.e., individuals and groups who cannot completely fill a room, suite, flat or apartment sign up during this option).

Click on the plus sign for OPTION details. 

Specific time slots for room selection within the OPTIONS will be posted prior to the start of each OPTION.

  • OPTION 1: March 24, 2025 Only

    Remain in (and fill) your current corridor-style room, suite, flat or apartment. 

    • Group leaders fill their current corridor-style room, suite, flat or apartment.
    • The group leader must currently live in the room they are filling.
    • All group members must live in the community.
    • The group must fill the entire suite, flat or apartment. 
      REMEMBER, not all rooms are available in this process.  If your current room, suite, flat, or apartment does not show as available you will not be able to select it in this process and will have to choose a different space during a later option.
  • OPTION 2: March 25, 2025 Only

    Remain in your current community and completely fill the space. 

    • Group leaders fill any corridor-style room, suite flat or apartment in their current community.
    • Group leader and all group members must currently live in the community.
    • The group must fill the entire suite, flat or apartment. 
  • OPTION 3: March 26-28, 2025

    Completely fill any space on campus. 

    • Group leaders fill any available corridor-style room, suite, flat or apartment anywhere on campus.
    • Group leader and group members can currently live anywhere on campus.
    • The group must fill the entire suite, flat or apartment.
  • OPTION 4: April 1, 2025 Only

    Sign up anywhere on campus. 

    • Sign up alone or with a partial group for any remaining beds anywhere on campus. 

Please note: 

  • You must complete the 2025-26 housing Agreement by March 7, 2025 to be eligible to participate in room selection.
  • Not all rooms are available in this process. There is no guarantee that a student will be able to return to their current room, suite, flat or apartment. Students who are not able to return to their current space in OPTION 1 can still return to their current community by signing up in OPTION 2.
  • Some communities may fill in OPTION 2.
  • It is wise to have a back-up plan in place in the event you/your group are not able to get into your first choice of communities.
  • You MUST participate in this process to secure your 2025โ€“26 housing.
  • Returning students are not guaranteed on-campus housing.

View available beds

The available beds link will be available a few days prior to the start of room selection. Available beds will change between OPTIONS. Make sure to review the available beds before the start of your OPTION to check if your selection is still available. Residential Life cannot make changes to room classifications during this process.

Need help?

  • If you experience difficulties while choosing your room, CALL Residential Life immediately at 607-777-2321. Emails may not be answered in a timely manner.
  • If you call after your OPTION has closed, you won't be able to select a room until your next eligible OPTION.
  • If you reconfigure your group once your OPTION has started, call Residential Life immediately for assistance.
  • If emailing or leaving a message, be sure to include your name, phone number and description of the problem.

Frequently Asked Questions/Process: 
