Entry-Level Doctor of Occupational Therapy (OTD) Program


The Entry-Level Doctor of Occupational Therapy (OTD) professional program is for students looking to begin their careers in OT. It prepares them to become occupational therapists at the clinical doctoral level. 

This program provides an evidence-based and sequenced curriculum that enables students to successfully achieve the competencies required for entry-level practice as an occupational therapy direct care provider, consultant, educator, manager, leader, researcher or advocate. 

Our 106-credit-hour program is based on active learning. Our curriculum integrates hands-on experiences with classroom learning, helping you synthesize your knowledge and put it into practice. 

Upon successful completion of this program, graduates are eligible to take the licensing exam to be able to practice as occupational therapists in the United States.

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Prerequisite Coursework 

To be eligible for admission into the Entry-Level Doctor of Occupational Therapy (OTD) Professional program, applicants must have completed the following prerequisite coursework: 

  • Abnormal Psychology or Psychopathology — 3 credits 
  • Developmental Psychology — 3 credits
  • Behavioral Sciences/Sociology/Anthropology — 3 credits
  • Human Anatomy and Physiology I & II w/dissection lab — 6 credits
  • Statistics — 3 credits

Course Sequence

Course # Course Title Credits
Term 1, fall
OCT 600 Theoretical and Conceptual Foundations of Occupational Therapy Practice  3
OCT 601 Functional Anatomy for the basis of Human Occupation 4
OCT 602 Human Occupation Across the Lifespan 3
OCT 603 Kinesiology and Functional Biomechanics  4
Term 2, spring
OCT 604 Health Conditions: Epidemiology and Pathophysiology 3
OCT 605 Neuroscience of Behavior 3
OCT 606 Learning and Behavioral Change 3
OCT 610 Mental Health Intervention 4
OCT 620 Interpersonal and Interprofessional Communication in Healthcare 2
OCT 621 Professional Reasoning I: Critical Inquiry and Decision-Making 2
Term 3, summer
OCT 611 Development: Adulthood and Aging 4
OCT 622 Fieldwork Level I Experience A and Seminar Part A 2
OCT 623 Professional Reasoning II: Context and Participation 2
OCT 630 Theories of Inquiry and Research Methodology in Translation Science 3
Term 4, fall
OCT 612 Physical Rehabilitation: Orthopedics 4
OCT 613 Physical Rehabilitation: Neurological Disorders 4
OCT 614 Development: Working with Children  4
OCT 617 Interprofessional Health Promotion and Health Advocacy 3
OCT 631 Research Process I: Foundation and Scholarship Literature 2
Term 5, spring
OCT 607 Group Process and Intentional Relationship in the Practice of Occupational Therapy 3
OCT 608 Administration and Management 3
OCT 615 Occupational Therapy Tool Kit for Assistive Technologies 3
OCT 624 Fieldwork Level I Experience B and Seminar Part B 2
OCT 625 Professional Reasoning III: Theory and Application 2
OCT 632 Research Process II: Methods and Design 2
Term 6, summer
OCT 616 Interprofessional Ethics and Analytical Reasoning 3
OCT 618 Advanced Leadership in Innovative Practice  3
OCT 626 Professional Reasoning IV: Integrated Seminar and Synthesis 2
OCT 633 Research Process III: Implementation and Application in Translational Science 2
Term 7, fall
OCT 640 Fieldwork Level II Internship A: 12 weeks full time 6
Term 8, winter-spring
OCT 641 Fieldwork Level II Internship B: 12 weeks full time 6
Term 9, spring-summer
OCT 642 Advanced OTD Capstone Experience: 14 weeks full time 8
OCT 643 OTD Capstone Translation, Application and Dissemination 2
Total credits required for program completion 106

Course Descriptions

Course descriptions are presented on this Google document.

Requirements for Graduation

Per Binghamton University’s Graduate School Policy, full-time students in the Entry-Level OTD Professional program must maintain a GPA of 3.0 or higher each term and must have an overall GPA of 3.0 or higher. See applicable graduation policies and procedures in Binghamton University's Graduate School Manual for academic standing and progression requirements.

Students enrolled in the Entry-Level OTD Professional program are expected to complete degree requirements within three years.

Criminal Offenses, Background Checks, Drug Testing

The Division of Occupational Therapy and Decker College of Nursing and Health Sciences reserve the right to require students to undergo background screening to meet clinical agency requirements. Screenings may include a criminal background check, drug screening and/or fingerprinting. 

Positive criminal background screening results may hinder a student's clinical placement and opportunity for state licensure. Decker College of Nursing and Health Sciences and the Division of Occupational Therapy recommend students contact their state board of licensure to clarify any concerns regarding licensure. 

Should a student be convicted of a criminal offense after submitting the initial background screening, the student must immediately disclose this to the Division of Occupational Therapy program director for review with the clinical site. The clinical site will determine whether the student will be permitted to continue to participate in clinical. Any such incident may jeopardize the student's enrollment at the University and licensure in some states.