Undergraduate Minors

Minors in History

The History Department offers two distinct minors, a general History minor and a specialized minor in the History of Science, Medicine, and Technology:

The general History minor is meant to encourage students to supplement their major in another discipline with a coherent program in history. Each student develops a program to satisfy the minor requirements in consultation with the department's advisors.


  • A minimum of six history courses (24 credit hours)

  • Of these, at least two must be taken at the 300- or 400-level. Of these two, at least one must be a 400-level course. This required 400-level course may not be taken under the pass/fail option, and it must be taken in residence

Please note the following rules:

  • Advanced Placement credit does not count toward either the major or the minor

  • No more than two introductory-level courses (i.e., no more than two 100-level courses)

  • At least sixteen credits for the student's minor must be taken at Binghamton

  • Must take HIST 257: History Methods & Practices
  • No more than one independent study (HIST 397)

  • The history internships (HIST 395) cannot be counted toward the minor

  • 100-level courses taken after a student has achieved junior credit standing will NOT count toward a minor in History

  • Only one course taken under the pass/fail option will be credit toward the minor

  • At least four of the courses in the History minor program must be in addition to History courses counted toward the fulfillment of the student's major

The History Department views the grade of D as passing but unsatisfactory. Courses passed with a grade of D do not fulfill the requirements for the minor.


Minor in the History of Science, Technology & Medicine (STM)

The minor in the History of Science, Technology, and Medicine supplements the studies of students majoring in other fields with a coherent, thematic program in History. The minor introduces students to the history of science, technology, and medicine in a variety of time periods, geographic regions, and religious and cultural systems.

It grounds developments within science, technology, and medicine in a specific historic context, and it encourages students to consider these developments in relation to broader political, social, cultural, and intellectual trends. It seeks to expose students to historical methodology and historical questions, enhancing and deepening their understanding of the development of related fields in the life and natural sciences, engineering, medicine, nursing, and environmental studies.

Each student completing the minor in the History of Science, Technology, and Medicine develops a program to satisfy the minor requirements in consultation with the department's advisors.


  • A minimum of six history courses (24 credit hours) selected from the list of approved courses, at least four of which must be from Group A, while the rest may be drawn from either Group A or Group B

  • At least two courses must be taken at the 300 or 400 level.  Of these two, at least one must be a 400-level course, which may not be taken under the pass/fail option and must be taken in residence

  • At least four of the courses (or 16 credit hours) counted toward the minor must be taken in residence at Binghamton

  • No more than one independent study (HIST 397) can be counted toward the minor

  • The history internships (HIST 395) cannot be counted toward the minor

  • Only one course taken under the pass/fail option will receive credit toward the minor

  • Only two courses may be counted toward both the minor and a student's major

  • Students must receive a grade of Cā€“ or better in order for a course to count toward the minor



Undergraduate Director:
Heather Welland
Library Tower, 703

Fall 2023 Office Hours:

T: 1:15-2:15 pm

W: 12:00 pm-1:00 pm

R: 10:30 am-11:30 am

Undergraduate Advising Assistant:
Zeynep Dursun
Library Tower, 712

Office Hours:

By Appointment: https://calendly.com/zdursun1/advising-hours

Monday 10:30-11:30 & 2:30-4:00 pm

Wednesday ā€“ 3:30-4:30 pm

Friday (ZOOM only) 10:00am -2:30 pm