The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is a voluntary, confidential, neutral assessment, and free referral and consultation service available to University faculty, staff, graduate student employees, retirees, and their dependents.
How it works
Once you contact EAP, here is what generally happens (since every situation is unique, this process will vary to meet individual needs):
- You make an appointment (appointments required, see below) to meet with a coordinator in the EAP office (AB-110) or on the phone/via Zoom to discuss your area(s) of concern.
- You and your EAP coordinator will clarify and assess your situation and discuss resources and referral options. Your coordinator will recommend various plans of action and make appropriate referrals.
- With EAP's support, you are responsible for contacting the provider to whom you've been referred and making an appointment.
- Your coordinator will ask for a follow up contact or appointment with you to find out how satisfied you are with the referral or to recommend an alternate course of action if necessary.
Appointments required
To schedule an appointment with an EAP coordinator you may email or call 607-777-6655.
Assessment and referral
EAP provides access to appropriate professional or community resources to help individuals dealing with a wide range of work and life concerns, including:
- Marital challenges
- Family conflict/dynamic challenges
- Alcohol and substance abuse or misuse
- Emotional health obstacles and challenges
- Domestic violence
- Grief and bereavement
- Workplace stress and communication/conflict
- Legal issues
- Financial wellness and challenges
- Childcare
- Eldercare or aging parent concerns
- Lifestyle and wellness coaching
Supervisory consultations
In addition to supervisory trainings, EAP offers confidential consultations to supervisors and department chairs who would like assistance in referring an employee to EAP or in managing departmental issues. Coordinators can assist supervisors in developing an appropriate plan to assess supervisory/employee concerns, recommend an onsite EAP staff orientation, and/or recommend other viable resources in support of promoting a healthy work climate. To schedule a supervisory consultation please call the EAP office at x76655 or request a consultation here.
Critical incident response
A "critical incident" is defined as an extraordinary event that significantly and negatively impacts one or more employees. A critical incident may happen in or outside of the workplace. Critical incidents include but are not limited to:
- large scale natural disasters (floods, hurricanes, etc.)
- employee or student fatalities
- workplace violence
- accidents that impact the workplace environment
- significant illness of a co-worker
In the event of a critical incident, EAP can provide outreach, make referrals to appropriate community resources and share educational materials to ease stress and assist the area to recover and return to a stable and productive work environment. If you believe your department would benefit from critical incident response services, contact an EAP coordinator to schedule an assessment.

Lending Library
The EAP Lending Library has books and CDs on a wide range of health and wellness issues available for your use at no charge. In addition, the use of light therapy lamps can be borrowed for up to 2-4 weeks. We also have a relaxing, peaceful consultation space if you would like to look over some materials here!
Special programs and initiatives
- Programs and presentations focusing on a variety of health and wellness issues are offered throughout the year
- Several training programs for supervisors/managers on using EAP as a management tool by request.
Make a gift to support the Employee Assistance Program.