If you are in crisis and need immediate assistance, call 911 from your cell phone or campus phone.
Office of the Dean of Students
Binghamton University Police Department
Binghamton University Counseling Center (including urgent/after-hours help)
We're here to help
Regardless of the issue, the staff of the Office of the Dean of Students can help. Situations we have assisted students with in the past include:
- Voluntary and medical leaves
- Student injury or illness
- Family emergency impacting a student’s campus life
- Concerns about academic adjustment or performance
- Financial problems
- Natural disaster
- Apartment or house fire
- Death of a relative
- Death of a student or former student
- Interpersonal violence or stalking
- Sexual assault
- Missing student
- Attempted suicide
Student Emergency Fund
The Binghamton University Student Emergency Fund grant is an award of financial assistance for currently enrolled Binghamton University students experiencing unusual and unforeseen financial demands that immediately threaten one’s academic progress and success, and for which there is no other source of reasonable remedy for the student.
Campus emergencies
If you are experiencing a campus emergency, or wish to alert the University of an
emergency or crisis, call 911 from a campus land line or call University Police immediately at 607-777-2222 from a cell or off-campus phone.
For up-to-date information about campus alerts, closures and updates during emergencies
or unfavorable weather situations, call 607-777-7700 or go to the Binghamton University homepage.
B-Alert Emergency Alert System
Binghamton University has partnered with Rave Mobile Safety to provide the B-Alert emergency alert system, which is capable of delivering messages to your University and personal e-mail addresses and cell phones. All members of the campus community are encouraged to log in to the Rave Wireless site to confirm your contact information and choose your notification preferences.