Teaching Resources
Activity 1. Analogies: Powerful Teaching-Learning Tools
A comprehensive compilation of history's greatest analogies, metaphors, and similes
Instructional Design Models:
Teaching With Analogies Model:
Activity 2. Möbius Strip: Connecting Teaching and Learning
Math Forum (how to make a Möbius strip)
Mathematical Genealogy Project
Wolfram MathWorld:
Activity 3. Burning a Candle at Both Ends: Classrooms as Complex Systems
Project Gutenberg: The chemical history of a candle
The Chemical History of A Candle
University of Michigan Physics Demonstrations: Thermodynamics
Activity 4. Perceptual Paradoxes: Multisensory Science and Measurement
Athabasca University's Centre for Psychology Resources (AUPR): Sensation & Perception
CAST: Differentiated instruction:
Human Intelligence: New and emerging theories of intelligence
International Mind Brain and Education Society
- See also other articles and critiques of brain-based education fads by the same author, Daniel Willingham
Activity 5. Optical Illusions: Seeing and Cognitive Construction
Archimedes' Laboratory: Illusions and puzzles
Athabasca University's Centre for Psychology Resources (AUPR): Sensation and perception
Michael Bach's 90 Visual phenomena and optical illusions
Optical Illusions: Collection of visual, scary, and funny illusions
Skeptic's Dictionary: Pareidolia
Activity 6. Utensil Music: Teaching Sound Science
See also DanielWillingham.com for other articles and videos: "Brain-Based" learning: More fiction than fact (Fall 2006); Do visual, auditory, and kinesthetic (VAK) learners need VAK instruction? (Summer 2005)
Dallas Symphony Orchestra: Tin can telephone
HowStuffWorks: Homemade toy telephone
Hyperphysics, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Georgia State University:
Sound and Hearing explanations, concept maps and applications
PhET Interactive Simulations: Sound
University of Iowa Physics and Astronomy Lecture Demonstrations
University of Michigan Physics Demonstrations: Category 3: Oscillations
Wake Forest University Physics Department: Sound demonstration videos
Whelmers #67: Bells in Your Ears (variation on the Utensil Music activity
[Procedure, step #1] using a pencil)
Activity 7. Identification Detectives: Sounds and Smells of Science
International Mind Brain and Education Society
Magic Water Black Box Activity
Society for Neuroscience (SFN): Brain facts: A primer on the brain and nervous system
Termites, Ink Pens and Pheromones
Virginia Tech Physics Lecture Demo W20: Buzzer in a vacuum
Activity 8. Two-Balloon Balancing Act: Constructivist Teaching
Bubbles, Babies and Biology: The story of surfactant
LaPlace's Law and Lung Misconceptions
University of Michigan Physics Demonstrations: Category 2: Fluid Mechanics: Surface tension
Activity 9. Batteries and Bulbs: Teaching Is More Than Telling
All About Electricity: Lessons on DC circuits
Arbor Scientific's Cool Stuff Newsletter
Flash Animations for Physics: Electricity and magnetism: Compare a DC circuit to flow of water
HyperPhysics: DC circuit water analogy
Lemelson Center for the Study of Invention and Innovation
PhET Interactive Simulations: DC circuit construction kit
A Science Odyssey: Simple circuits, electromagnets and Morse code
Spark! Lab: Invent Your Own Light Bulb
Surfing Scientist: Simple circuits and conductivity tester
University of Michigan Physics Demonstrations: Category 5: Electricity & Magnetism: DC Circuits
Virtual Voltage Circuit Simulator/Lab
- Flashlight (includes image of the original patent for a flashlight)
- Incandescent light bulb
- Zinc-carbon battery
Activity 10. Talking Tapes: Beyond Hearing to Understanding
(see Sound and Waves demonstration listings, including Talkie Tapes)
NIH/National Human Genome Research Institute (NGHRI)
Activity 11. Super-Absorbent Polymers: Minds-On Learning and Brain "Growth"
Biology Corner: Scientific Method: Sponge Animals, Gummy Bear Lab and more
Brain Rules: 12 Principles of surviving and thriving at work, home and school
How Stuff Works:
Purdue University Division of Chemical Education: SAP demonstration
Steve Spangler's Making Science Fun: Experiments with water absorbing crystals
Activity 12. Mental Puzzles, Memory, and Mnemonics: Seeking Patterns
- Allocating student study time: Massed versus distributed practice (Summer 2002)
- Inflexible knowledge: The first step to expertise (or why transfer is hard) (Winter 2002)
- What Will Improve a Student's Memory?: (Winter 2008/09)
Ask a cognitive scientist column: Daniel Willingham
Exploratorium Online Exhibits: Don't forget—Playing games with memory
Common cents: Can you identify the correct penny from a group of 11 other "imposters"?
John T. Bruer. Publications and presentations on cognitive psychology
- Acronym
- Cognitive load theory
- Cryptanalysis or code-breaking
- Ebbinghaus (memory researcher)
- Fibonacci sequence
- Gene expression
- Memory
- Mnemonics
- Science mnemonics
- Spacing effect
Activity 13. Sound Toy Tubes: The Importance of Varying Stimuli
Bernoulli's Principle Animation
Hello – Walk off the Earth (pop music with sound toy tubes; 5:52)
Hyperphysics: Science of Sound
PhET Interactive Simulations: Sound
Physics Video Demonstrations on Bernoulli's Principle
University of Michigan Physics Demonstrations: Fluid Mechanics
University of Virginia Physics Department: Sound activity stations
Activity 14. Convection: Conceptual Change Teaching
Conceptual Change Teaching (overviews of theory and research from various sources):
Exploratorium Museum Snackbook:
Kathi Mitchell: Hot Air Balloons
John T. Bruer. Publications and presentations on cognitive psychology
NASA: Candle flame in microgravity
PhET Interactive Simulations: Balloons (hot air and helium) and buoyancy (and gas laws)
University of Iowa Physics and Astronomy Lecture Demonstrations: Heat and fluids
University of Michigan Physics Demonstrations: Category 4: Thermodynamics
Activity 15. Brain-Powered Light Bulb: Knowledge Transmission?
Artificial Photosynthesis:
- Joint Center for Artificial Photosynthesis
- Artificial Photosynthesis
- How Artificial Photosynthesis Works
BrainU Institute (neuroscience resources for grades 5-12)
International Mind Brain and Education Society
John T. Bruer. Publications and presentations on cognitive psychology
Society for Neuroscience: Brain Facts: A primer on the brain and nervous system
Activity 16. Air Mass Matters: Creating a Need to Know
HyperPhysics, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Georgia State University:
Purdue University: Can crusher
University of Iowa Physics and Astronomy Lecture Demos
- see Heat and fluid: Atmospheric pressure demonstrations: Crush the can, crush the soda can; Magdeburg hemispheres; Water column-water barometer; Suction cups rubber sheets; Stick and newspaper and the vacuum cannon
Whelmers #21 Balloon (in Bottle) Vacuum
Activity 17. 3D Magnetic Fields: Making Meaningful Connections
Exploratorium Snackbook:
Institute for Human and Machine Cognition (IHMC) (concept mapping tools)
International Mind Brain and Education Society
Magz Magnetic Construction Toy
Neuroscience for Kids (select experiment: Brain songs)
PhET Interactive Simulations: Magnets and electromagnets
Royal Institution of Great Britain: Faraday Museum
Society for Neuroscience, Educational Resources
University of Michigan Physics Demonstrations: Electricity & Magnetism
Visible Thinking (a Harvard University, Project Zero research program)
Wake Forest University: Electromagnetism videos, including a 3D compass
- Chemical synapse
- Concept mapping
- Cow magnet
- Earth's magnetic field
- Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
- Magnets
- Michael Faraday
Activity 18. Electrical Generators: Connecting With Students
Amateur Science's Ultra-Simple Electric Generator
- Concept to Classroom
- Education Theory: Constructivism and Social Constructivism in the Classroom
- Encyclopedia of Educational Technology
- Exploratorium: Constructivist Learning
- Human Intelligence: New and Emerging Theories of Intelligence
- Learning-Theories.com
Death, Money, and the History of the Electric Chair
Exploratorium Snackbook: Motor effect and stripped-down motor (designs):
Java Applets for Physics: Generator
Nexus Research Group: Fun Science activities: Physics: Motors and generators
PhET Interactive Simulations
Science Project: Make an electric generator
Snopes.com: Urban legends: Edison and the electric chair
University of Iowa Physics and Astronomy Lecture Demonstrations (video clips): Electricity and magnetism (seven demos on motors and generators)
University of Michigan Physics Demonstrations: Category 5: Electricity & Magnetism
- Constructivism (learning theory and teaching methods)
- Electrical generator
- Michael Faraday
- Joseph Henry
Activity 19. Static Electricity: Charging Up Two-by-Four Teaching
Concord Consortium: Electrostatics (see Polarization page): Molecular workbench software homepage
Exploratorium Snackbook: Demonstrations involving triboelectricity
PhET Interactive Simulations: Balloons and static electricity
University of Iowa Physics and Astronomy Lecture Demonstrations (video clips of demonstrations): Electricity/Magnetism (4 demos and triboelectric series)
University of Michigan Physics Demonstrations: Electricity & Magnetism
Wake Forest University: Electrostatics
Whelmers #31: Static charged 2 x 4s
Activity 20. Needle Through the Balloon: Skewering Misconceptions
DanielWillingham for other articles and videos:
- Critical thinking: Why is it so hard to teach? (Summer 2007)
- Why don't students like school? Because the mind is not designed for thinking (Spring 2009)
John T. Bruer. Publications and presentations on cognitive psychology
David Katz's Needle Through Balloon
Science Hobbyist: Balloon demonstrations
Using (soap) bubbles to explore (cell) membranes:
Wikipedia: Membranes (biological and artificial)
Activity 21. Happy and Sad Bouncing Balls: Student Diversity Matters
CAST: Differentiated instruction
- Center for Applied Special Technology + Universal Design for Learning
- National Center on Accessible Educational Materials
Concept to Classroom: Multiple intelligences tutorial
Human Intelligence: New and emerging theories of intelligence (synopsis of Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences, Sternberg's theories, and Goleman's theory of emotional intelligence)
Illusion-Optical.com: Happy (young princess)-Sad (old woman) 180-degree animation
University of Iowa Physics and Astronomy Lecture Demonstrations (video clips): Mechanics coefficient of restitution
Activity 22. Electrical Circuits: Promoting Learning Communities
All About Electricity: Online text: DC circuits
Cooperative Learning Center at the University of Minnesota (Roger Johnson and David Johnson)
Lemelson Center for the Study of Invention and Innovation
PhET Interactive Simulations: DC circuit construction kit
A Science Odyssey: Simple circuits, electromagnets and Morse code
Spark!Lab: Invent Your Own Light Bulb
Success for All Foundation (Robert Slavin and cooperative learning)
Surfing Scientist: Nine pages of lessons (e.g., simple circuits and conductivity tester)
University of Michigan Physics Demonstrations: Electricity & Magnetism
University of Virginia Physics Department: Conductors and Insulators (how a light bulb works) and Series and Parallel Circuits Hands-on Explorations
Activity 23. Eddy Currents: Learning Takes Time
Changing Minds: Questioning Techniques (19)
Exploratorium Snackbook: Eddy currents
HyperPhysics: Faraday's and Lenz's laws
Molecular Expressions: Interactive Java Lenz's law tutorial
Nondestructive Testing Resource Center's (NDT): Lenz's law applications
PBS Teachers Resource Roundups: Developing scientific thinking
PhET Interactive Simulations:
University of Iowa Physics and Astronomy Demonstrations (video clips): Electricity and magnetism
University of Michigan Physics Demonstrations: Electricity & Magnetism
University of Victoria: Bloom's Taxonomy
University of Virginia Physics Department: Experiments with electromagnets
Activity 24: Cognitive Inertia: Seeking Conceptual Change
- Ask a Cognitive Scientist column: Daniel Willingham
- Access other articles:
- Practice makes perfect—But only if you practice beyond the point of perfection (Spring 2004)
- Why students think they understand—When they don't (Winter 2003-04)
National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST): Research matters to the science teacher
North Carolina Science Teachers Association: The Science Reflector: 10 Inertia experiments and demonstrations
Sprott's (online book; see Chapter 1, "Motion"):
University of Iowa Physics and Astronomy Lecture Demonstrations (video clips)
- Mechanics (seven demonstrations on inertia of rest)
- Mass and string "magic" demonstration
University of Michigan Physics Demonstrations: Mechanics: Newton's First Law
University of Wisconsin-Madison Physics Lecture Demonstrations (large sample of Newton's first law)
Wake Forest University: Newton's laws videos: Tablecloth pull and toilet paper
Activity 25. Optics and Mirrors: Challenging Learners' Illusions
American Educator
- Ask a Cognitive Scientist column: Daniel Willingham
- How praise can motivate or stifle (Winter 2005–06)
- Should learning be its own reward? (Winter 2007-08)
- Caution: Praise can be dangerous (Spring 1999)
University of Michigan Physics Demonstrations: Optics
- Constructivism
- Constructivist teaching
- Expectancy theory
- Expectancy-value theory
- John Dewey
- Roger Bacon
Activity 26. Polarizing Filters: Examining Our Conceptual Filters
Austine Studios Polarized Light Art
Brigham Young University Physics Computer Resources: select Optics: Polarize
Exploratorium Science Snackbook:
HowStuffWorks: Sunglasses
University of Iowa Physics and Astronomy Lecture Demonstrations (video clips): Optics
University of Michigan Physics Demonstrations: Optics: Polarization
Activity 27. Invisible Gases Matter: Knowledge Pours Poorly
- Ask a Cognitive Scientist column: Daniel Willingham
- Access other articles:
- Students remember what they think about (Summer 2003)
- Why don't students like school? Because the mind is not designed for thinking (Spring 2009)
Constructivism and Learning Theories: Supplemental readings for teachers
- Constructivism Learning Theory
- Constructivism and Social Constructivism in the Classroom
- Learning Theory and Teaching Methods
- Constructivism as a Paradigm for Teaching and Learning
Activity 28. The Stroop Effect: The Persistent Power of Prior Knowledge
NOVA Online Adventure: Shockwave Demonstration version (as well as a static version)
Discovery, chance and the scientific method
Duit, R. (March 2009 update): About 8,400 entries related to "misconceptions": Bibliography of STCSE (Students' and Teachers' Conceptions and Science Education)
Kind, V. 2004. Beyond appearance: Students' misconceptions about basic chemical ideas: (book; 84 pages)
MOSART: Misconception oriented standards-based assessment resource
Operation Physics: Children's misconceptions about science
Sleights of Mind: (book and multimedia clips)
- Attention
- Color blindness
- Constructivism (learning theory)
- Inattentional (or change) Blindness
- List of cognitive biases
- Serendipity
- Stroop effect
Activity 29. Rattlebacks: Prior Beliefs and Models for Eggciting Science
Encyclopedia of Science: Chapter 14
Toys in Space II (Search for Toys in Space II video resource guide)
University of Iowa Physics and Astronomy Lecture Demonstrations (video clips): Mechanics: (Rotational stability: 1Q60.36—Spinning eggs)
University of Michigan Physics Demonstrations: Mechanics: Work & Energy: Rattleback
Research on Misconceptions in Science:
- Duit, R. 2009 update (about 8,400 entries). Bibliography–STCSE (Students' and teachers' conceptions and science education)
- Kind, V. 2004. Beyond appearance: Students' misconceptions about basic chemical ideas (book; 84 pages)
Meaningful Learning Research Group: Misconceptions conference proceedings
Science Hobbyist: Amateur science: Science myths in K–6 textbooks and popular culture
Activity 30. Tornado in a Bottle: The Vortex of Teaching and Learning
Constructivism and Learning Theories: Supplemental readings for teachers
- www.thirteen.org/edonline/concept2class/constructivism/
- www.exploratorium.edu/education/ifi/constructivist-learning
- Constructivism and Social Constructivism in the Classroom
- http://narst.org/publications/research/learn.cfm
- http://narst.org/publications/research/constructivism.cfm
- http://narst.org/publications/research/Metacogn.cfm
Exploratorium Snackbook: Vortex (tornado-in-a-bottle demonstration)
University of Iowa's Fluids Laboratory Image Gallery: Vortices
Activity 31. Floating and Sinking: Raising FUNdaMENTAL Questions
American Educator (see also www.danielwillingham.com for other articles and videos)
Critical thinking: Why is it so hard to teach? (Summer 2007)
What is developmentally appropriate practice? (Ask a Cognitive Scientist/Summer 2008)
Concord Consortium (free downloadable simulations): Diffusion
Diffusion, Osmosis and Active Transport
Diving Insect Regulates Buoyancy
Java Applets for Physics: Buoyant force in liquids
Purdue University, Chemical Education QuickTime movies of five density demonstrations
Steve Spangler Science: Mentos Diet Coke Geyser
University of Iowa Physics and Astronomy Lecture Demonstrations (video clips): Heat and fluids
University of Michigan Physics Demonstrations: Fluid Mechanics
- Buoyancy
- Density
- Henry's law
- Priestley, Joseph (invented carbonated water)
- Nucleation
- Soda and Candy Eruption
- Raisin
Activity 32. Cartesian Diver: A Transparent But Deceptive "Black Box"
Cartesian Diver Java Applet (allows user to control external pressure and diver location)
Diving insect regulates buoyancy
Exploratorium Snackbook: Condiment Diver
Hyperphysics, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Georgia State University: explanations, concept maps and applications: Video/Demo Index: Fluids: Cartesian Diver
HowStuffWorks: Submarines
Purdue University, Division of Chemical Education: Cartesian diver (with QuickTime movie)
University of Iowa Physics and Astronomy Lecture Demonstrations (video clips): Heat and fluids (five demonstrations on density and buoyancy)
University of Michigan Physics Demonstrations: Fluid Mechanics: Statics: Cartesian Diver
Wake Forest University Physics Department: Physics of matter videos: Cartesian diver
Activity 33. Crystal Heat: Catalyzing Cognitive Construction
Bizarre Stuff You Can Make in Your Kitchen (Go to Sugar cube tricks: The burning sugar cube)
Concord Consortium (free downloadable simulations): Phase change
Genie in a Bottle Experiment:
- Demonstration Video (decomposition of hydrogen peroxide)
- YouTube: Genie in a Bottle
- Genie in a Bottle Experiment Instructions
PhET Interactive Simulations: States of matter: Molecular view with temperature, pressure, and volume controls and phase changes for three phases of Ne, Ar, O2 and H2O
Purdue University: Sodium acetate liquid and solid (supersaturation and crystallization demonstration)
University of Michigan Physics Demonstrations: Thermodynamics: Change of State