About Harpur Academic Advising

Mission Statement

Harpur Academic Advising supports our students with empathy and informed advice, while challenging them to explore their academic, personal and professional goals through a liberal arts education that fosters the development of critical awareness and personal responsibility.

Advising Expectations

Academic advising at Binghamton University operates using a "dual advising model." That means that you will be advised by both professional academic advisors, and University faculty. Our roles are similar in the sense that we aim to support and guide students throughout their academic careers at Binghamton. That said, our areas of expertise and focus differ. Harpur Academic Advising will provide the support, expertise and resources you need to help you to navigate your time at Binghamton University, but you also need to do your part. We have developed certain expectations that lay out the key responsibilities for our students and help ensure you are successful in your academic career.

What We Expect of Students:

  • Be Responsible for your academic plan. You are ultimately responsible for the decisions and actions (or inaction) that affect your goals and progress.
  • Actively Participate in academic planning and advising sessions. We expect that in preparation for your advising, you will:
    • Review the Academic Guide (formerly known as Bulletin) to familiarize yourself with policies, procedures and degree requirements
    • Review your Degree Works audit regularly
    • Reflect on interests, values and abilities as well as and share these with your advisor to collaboratively create an individual degree plan tailored to your academic, career and personal goals
    • Think about questions you have for your advisor and do some research to see if you can find an answer on your own
    • Make a tentative list of classes for which you would like to register but be open and willing to consider other recommendations
  • Seek Additional Advising from faculty or professional advisors in your academic department for questions regarding your major or minor. We expect that you meet with your departmental advisor at least once a semester to make sure you are on track to completing all major or minor requirements.
  • Stay Informed about the academic calendar, dates and deadlines and check your Binghamton email regularly.
  • Identify and Utilize Resources that are available to enhance your academic or personal experience at Binghamton.
  • Be Empowered to take charge of your education! By empowering students to take ownership of their education, and involving families as supportive partners, they become active participants in their learning journey, equipped with the skills and confidence to succeed both academically and personally.

What You Can Expect of Harpur Advisors:

  • Create a safe, positive environment in which you are free to explore ideas and interests regarding personal, academic, and career goals.
  • Assist you in understanding the purpose and goals of a Liberal Arts education and its effect on your life and personal goals.
  • Actively Listen to your questions and concerns and provide information and support as needed, respecting your individual values and choices.
  • Collaborate with you to create an individual degree plan tailored to your academic, career and personal goals
  • Help Clarify university policies and procedures and other important academic information.
  • Facilitate Connections to campus services and resources. Although advisors are not expected to know the answer to every question, we can provide information about and make referrals to appropriate campus resources.
  • Maintain Confidentiality according to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) regulations.

connect with Harpur Advising

Harpur Advising Portal

Meet the Harpur Advising Staff

Diversity Statement

Everyone is welcome in this office.

We do not tolerate and will not abide harassment, intimidation, or discrimination under any circumstances, including on the basis of identity, appearance, race, ethnicity, nationality, immigration status, age, disability, education, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, religious belief, military service, or socioeconomic status.

Harpur Academic Advising is a place of respect and compassionate understanding, in which every member of our campus community may feel safe and accepted. We all flourish amid the diverse perspectives and experiences of our friends, students, and colleagues.

Location & Contact Information:

Harpur Academic Advising has two locations within Old Champlain Hall

  • Biology and Environmental Studies  majors and minors go to the Garden Suite 
  • All other Harpur undergraduate students go to 110

Telephone: 607-777-6305
Email: harpuradvising@binghamton.edu
Scheduling: B-Successful

Mailing Address:
Harpur Academic Advising
Binghamton University
PO BOX 6000
Binghamton, NY 13902


Office Hours:

Monday, Tuesday & Thursday:
8:30am - 4:30pm

Wednesday & Friday:
10:00am - 4:30pm

Appointment Hours:

Monday, Tuesday & Thursday:
9am - 4:00pm

Wednesday & Friday:
10:00am - 4:00pm

*See the calendar below for the most up-to-date availability changes and closures.

Harpur Advising Events and Availability Calendar

Outreach Requests:

Harpur Academic Advising Peer Assistants are happy to assist instructors, students, and professional staff with campus programs, classes and workshops. Please email harpuradvising@binghamton.edu to get started. We ask that you submit your request at least three weeks before your proposed program date.

**Please be aware that during heavy traffic times of the semester, we may not be able to accommodate every programming request, in particular requests for evening events (6 pm or later).**