
Judaic Studies Research Fellowships

Binghamton University students can help our faculty with their own research, developing critical thinking and research skills in the process. It is semester-based obligation, and students will get stipends for their work. The maximum award is $750.
Please note: it is student's responsibility to check if such stipend would interfere with their Financial Aid or other scholarships / awards they might receive.  

Israel Education Community Fellowship

One Binghamton University student will be selected to serve as an educator in local Hebrew and day schools, providing Israel education to children, grades pre-K through 5th grade. The Israel Education Fellow will work with local heads of schools to develop innovative Israel programming, drawing on resources available at the Center for Israel Studies, as well as through RAVSAK and other national educational foundations.

Israel Studies Research Fellowship

This award is designed to support Binghamton University students' independent research or creative work. The Center supports research in the history, politics, literatures, and cultures of Israel. To qualify, your project must be supervised by a Binghamton University faculty member, and you must enroll in independent study credit (2 or 4) or honors thesis credit at Binghamton University during fall 2017 (exceptions may be granted if a student has exceeded the maximum number of thesis or independent study credits allowed by his or her college). Funding is competitive and award amounts vary. The maximum award is $500.

For more information, please contact DUS Prof Karp or Department Chair, Prof Burch.