About Library Instruction
The Libraries' instruction program supports the teaching mission of the University by educating students for academic success and lifelong learning. Librarians work with faculty and program directors to promote information literacy for students in undergraduate, graduate and professional programs. Classes are customized to meet course objectives or prepare students for a specific assignment.
For more information about the following instruction services, contact Megan Benson, Assistant Head of Instruction and Outreach, at mbenson@binghamton.edu or 607-777-4803.
Types of Instruction Available
Library Classroom
Library instruction sessions are available in our Library Classroom, LN 1305, in the new Innovation Lab near the Tower Cafe. This space allows for library instruction and group work for roughly 25-30 students. Librarians can also come to your classroom, but we encourage library sessions to be held in the library so students visit the library and meet our friendly staff.
The Library Classroom is only available for Libraries' use and cannot be reserved. Please contact the CLT for other room bookings within the Innovation Lab.
Seminar Room
The Seminar Room, located on the 3rd Floor of Bartle Library, provides opportunities for sharing knowledge in an intentional setting. It is equipped with flexible seating/tables, video conferencing capabilities, and an instructor station.
Course-Specific Instruction
Course-integrated instruction is available for all undergraduate and graduate courses. Most instruction sessions are tailored to teach students research skills and strategies needed for a particular assignment. Sessions that provide a general introduction to the Libraries' services and discipline-specific resources can also be arranged.
Fill out the Library Instruction Request Form or contact your subject librarian to get started.
General Sessions
Library instruction sessions are available for campus and SUNY programs such as Discovery, Scholars, EOP and Empire College. General instruction sessions are also available for small groups of faculty, students or staff on a variety of topics.
Personal Consultations
Subject librarians are available for personal consultations regarding specialized resources, specific assignments or other research needs.
Special Collections
Special Collections and University Archives welcomes and encourages instructors and their students and classes to use our rich collections. We can provide instruction and orientation in a range of disciplines and subjects, including general information about how to locate and use special collection materials for research purposes and class presentations on selected materials pertaining to specific collections, subjects, historic periods or genres. To discuss a possible class session, please send an email to speccoll@binghamton.edu, or submit your request here.
The Libraries offers a series of short screencasts that demonstrate how to use various library services, databases and research tools.
An interactive tutorial suite is available. The topics include evaluating resources, academic honesty, citing sources, finding books and articles, keeping current, using social media wisely, and using different publication types. Each of these tutorials can be completed in 15–45 minutes and can be integrated into myCourses.
More information can be found on the Library Tutorials page.
Library Outreach Services
Librarians offer informational sessions and participate in campus events such as the Campus Services Fair, UFest, Welcome Week, and Destress Week. If you are interested in having a library representative at your event, please contact Megan Benson, Assistant Head of Instruction and Outreach, at mbenson@binghamton.edu or 607-777-4803.
Based on availability, librarians provide instruction to high school students.
Credit Course
The Libraries offer a two-credit course designed to help students develop research abilities and information literacy competencies which are essential for both academic success and lifelong learning. UNIV 180A: Critical Research Skills is generally offered during the spring semester. Through readings, class discussion, and a variety of assignments that emphasize the research processes, students will learn strategies for developing manageable research topics, finding and accessing information sources, and evaluating information in various formats.
Megan Benson
Assistant Head, Instruction and Outreach