As departments add new courses, some of these are added to the list of courses that can be used to satisfy PPL requirements. Please note that these courses can be used to satisfy requirements only when taken in the semester they are listed in below.
Spring 2025
- PHIL 280A - Debating Basic Income
- PHIL 280B - Empathy, Ethics & Narrative
Fall 2024
- HIST 262 - History of Asian America
- HIST 285F - Palestinian History
- HIST 285H - Antisemitism in History
- HIST 380D - Presidential Elections US History
- HIST 381U - Modern Europe, 1789-1945
- HIST 470 - Latin America and the Cold War
- HIST 484C - Nationalism in East Asia
- PHIL 180A - Debating Basic Income
- PHIL 180B - Empathy, Ethics & Narrative
- PHIL 386A - Human Rights & Development
- PLSC 300 - American Judicial Process
- PLSC 301 - Comparative Politics of Healthcare
- PLSC 324 - Congress and the President
- PLSC 341 - Political Analysis
- PLSC 481G - Policy Analysis
- SOC 380K - Democracy & Social Justice
- SOC 480Q - Immigration & American Society
Summer 2024
- PHIL 386A – Race, Law, and Abolitionism
- PHIL 386B – Political Equality
Spring 2024
- ANTH 362 – Borders, Boundaries & Frontiers (cognate) C: Global
- ANTH 380H – Populism and Social Inequality in Latin America (cognate) C: Global
- ANTH 480S – Contemporary Fascism (cognate) C: Theory
- GMAP 381N / HIST 381P - Nazi Culture (cognate or upper level history)
- GMAP 481N - Violence in Central America (cognate) C: Global & Theory
- GMAP 482F - Climate and Conflict (cognate) C: Global
- GMAP 483B – Transitional Justice (cognate) C: Theory & Global & Policy
- HIST 186A - Immigration, Asylum & Refugees (lower level history) C: Policy
- HIST 280Q - Women in the Modern US (LEC) C: Policy & Theory
- HIST 285D – Antisemitism in History
- HIST 362 - Women, Family & Sex in Early U.S. C: Theory & Policy
- HIST 381A - Napoleon: The Man and Myth
- HIST 384H/SOC 380G - Environment and Empire C: Global
- HIST 474 - Race & Citizenship in the U.S. C: Theory & Policy
- HIST 481D/552D - Crime & Punishment in Europe C: Policy
- PHIL 280A - Debating Basic Income
- PHIL 280B - Empathy, Ethics & Society
- PHIL 486A – Moral responsibility
- SOC 380A - Global Criminology C: Global & Policy
- SOC 380B – Race, Ethnicity & Inequality C: Theory
- SOC 380C – Ending Mass Incarceration C: Policy
- SOC 380F – Social Movements in the Digital Era C: Theory
- SOC 380I/WGSS 384C – US War on Drugs & Latin America C: Policy
- SOC 380K/ WGSS 384B - Prisoner Writings & Activism C: Theory
- SOC 380L – Political Power & the Far Right
- SOC 380R – Climate Justice C: Theory & Global
- SOC 380S - Immigration, Gender & Labor
- SOC 480M - Gender & Masculinity C: Theory
- SOC 480X - Justice & Housing in America C: Policy
- WGSS 384A – Sexualties in Society C: Policy
- WGSS 384D – Gender and Power
- WGSS 384I – Language and Gender C: Theory
Winter 2024
- HIST 385A – Colonialism, Gender & Sexuality (as upper level history class), C: Global & Theory
- HMRT 389A – Globalization and Human Rights C: Theory & Global
- LACS 303 – Latin American Movements C: Global
- PHIL 135 – Philosophy & Public Policy (as cognate) C: Policy & Theory
- PHIL 380F – Ethics of Belief (as cognate) C: Theory
- SOC 367 - Food, People, and Resources (as cognate) C: Global & Theory
- SOC 380A – Environmentalism of the Rich (as cognate) C: Global
- SOC 380G – Race, Class, Gender & Sexualities (as cognate) C: Theory
- SOC 380 S – Immigration, Gender, & Labor C: Policy & Theory
Fall 2023
- ECON 181A: Debating Basic Income
- ECON 381C: Evolution of Economic Ideas
- ENG 180N: Debating Basic Income
- ENG 180O: Empathy, Ethics, and Society
- HIST 180A: Mapping American Prejudice
- HIST 380F: History of Sex & Law in the Modern US
- HIST 386E: Sex Trafficking in History
- HIST 481N: European Violence, 1096-1871
- HIST 484M: China's Borderlands
- HIST 485G: Middle East Forced Migrations
- PHIL 180A: Debating Basic Income
- PHIL 180B: Empathy, Ethics, and Society
- PHIL 380N: Nietzsche on Morality
- SOC 380F: Drugs and Society
- SOC 380G: Work and Power
Summer 2023
- PHIL 380C: Democracy & Its Critics
- PHIL 380D: Theory, Practice, and Utopia
Spring 2023
- ECON 345: Economics of Public Programs
- ECON 415: Gender & Economic Development
- ECON 433: Natural Resource Economics
- ECON 443: Economics of Labor
- ENVI 230: Intro to Environmental Policy
- ENVI 382J: Nat. Res Equity in Global Sout
- GMAP 483B: Transitional Justice
- HIST 283B: African History Since 1800
- HIST 284E: Modern Japanese History
- HIST 284H: Modern East Asian STM
- HIST 286E: Modern U.S. War and Society
- HIST 352: Colonial America
- HIST 355: Race & Sex in American History
- HIST 381P: Nazi Culture
- HIST 381X: Cities in Early Modern Europe
- HIST 381Z: Post-War Germany
- HIST 384B: Indo-Caribbean History
- HIST 384M: Minorities in China & Beyond
- HIST 386L: Global Social Movements
- HIST 481W: Race&Religion Medieval Europe
- HIST 482E: Cold War Latin America
- HIST 484M: Middle Period China: The Song
- HIST 486L: US Empire in the Pacific
- PHIL 135: Philosophy & Public Policy
- PHIL 280L: Confucian Ethics
- PHIL 318: Chinese Philosophy
- PHIL 380J: Human Rights & Development
- PLSC 100: Human Rights
- PLSC 480A: Politics of Delegation
- SOC 342: Sexual Trafficking, Sexual Trsm
- SOC 380C: Ending Mass Incarceration
- SOC 380R: Climate Justice
- SOC 380S: Human Rights in Latin America
Winter 2023
- PHIL 380F: Theorizing Racial (In)justice
Fall 2022
- GMAP 481C: Comparative Genocides
- HIST 262: History of Asian America
- HIST 281A: Europe in the Long 19th C.
- HIST 285B: History of Ottoman Empire
- HIST 381E: Russia and Ukraine in Crisis
- HIST 381M: Germany After the Wall
- HIST 381N: World War I and the Jews
- HIST 381X: Taming the Russian Empire
- HIST 385Q: Asians & Jews in Mod US
- HIST 386R: Cultures in Conflict 1500-1850
- HIST 426: Soviet Russia
- HIST 481Q: Reformation: Religion & Society
- LACS 380C: Latin American Sexualities
- PLSC 289A: Intro to Pol Econ of ISR/PAL
- SOC 353: The Sociology of Reproduction
- SOC 358: Energy Power & Nature
- SOC 380D: Islam & Democracy
- SOC 380I: War Crimes & Global War
- SOC 384D: Globalization Crisis Resistance
- SOC 480B: Great Powers in War and Peace
- WGSS 380A: American Civics & Feminism
Summer 2022
- HIST 381B: Soviet Gulags
- HIST 381K: Mediterranean Encounters
- HIST 384A: Eurasia's New Silk Road
- HIST 384B: Gender & Sexuality in East Asia
- HIST 385F: Gender in the Middle East
- HIST 385J: Arab America
- HIST 386B: Science, Medicine & Pandemic
- PHIL 380G: Immigration & Citizenship
- PHIL 380R: (Un)civil Disobedience
- SOC 380A: Occupy, BLM and CHAZ
- SOC 380B: Sociology of COVID-19
- SOC 380D: Forever Wars: Soc of Warfare
- SOC 380F: Civil Resistance and Change
- SOC 380G: Nationalism & Fascism
Spring 2022
- HIST 202: The Greek World
- HIST 204: Early Medieval Europe 300-1000
- HIST 381G: English Civil Wars
- HIST 381T: Race & Immigration in Britain
- HIST 384C: Asians & Jews in the Modern US
- HIST 484R: Race & American Citizenship
- PHIL 380B: Digust, Morality, and the Law
- SOC 321: Race&Cul. Rela in World Context
- SOC 368: Political Sociology
- SOC 380G: Origins of Planetary Crisis
- SOC 380I: US War on Drugs & Latin America
- SOC 480C: Race and Caste
Fall 2021
- HIST 106A/B: East Asian Civilizations
- HIST 181B: Russian Culture and Civilizations
- HIST 278: Intro Latin Am & Carib Studies
- HIST 280E: Race & Childhood in America
- HIST 281K: The Nazi State
- HIST 381C: French Revolution
- HIST 381N: World War I and the Jews
- HIST 385R: Modern Middle East
- HIST 481M: Women & Medieval Medicine
- HIST 481Y: The Irish Famine
- HIST 482E: Cold War in Latin America
- LACS 380V: Peace & Violence in Latin America
- PLSC 411: Campaigns and Elections
- PLSC 480A: Sex, Gender, Conflict
- SOC 353: The Sociology of Reproduction
- SOC 380A: Sociology of China
- SOC 380B: Immigration in Contemp US
- SOC 380C: Identifying the Criminal
- SOC 380H: QAnon & the Far Right Globally
- SOC 380I: Work and Power
- SOC 384D: Globalization Crisis Resistance
- WGSS 380A: American Civics & Feminism
Summer 2021
- HIST 363: War & Race in Early US
- HIST 381C: Culture of the Enlightenment
- HIST 381D: First Contacts 1492-1800
- HIST 385K: US & the Middle East
- HIST 386A: Cold War & the World
- HIST 386D: World War II Refugees
- PHIL 380P: Ethics of War (cognate only)
- PHIL 380R: (Un)civil Disobedience (cognate only)
- SOC 380C: The Resurgence of Nationalism
- SOC 380D: Gender and Migration
- SOC 380F: Civil Resistance and Change
- WGSS 282D: Feminist Bioethics
- WGSS 383A: Gender, Violence & Social Justice
Spring 2021
- GMAP 483D/550: Mechs of Atrocity Prevention
- HIST 280G: Latinx in the U.S.
- HIST 281G: Privlege & Protest
- HIST 285E: Jewish History 1500 to Modern
- HIST 381T: Post-War Germany
- HIST 385R: Middle East Refugee Crisis
- HIST 481R: Slavery in the Ancient World
- HIST 481T: Barbarian Kings & Empires
- PLSC 308: Govt & Pol. in M. East & N. Africa
- PLSC 356: Politics Of The European Union
- PLSC 480A: Politics of Delegation
- SOC 255: Gender & Chinese Society
- SOC 324: Gender and Work
- SOC 330: Latin American Women
- SOC 358: Energy Power & Nature
- SOC 380A: Black & Brown in the City
- SOC 380B: Origins of Planetary Crisis
- SOC 380H: Settler Colonialism
- SOC 380I: US War on Drugs & Latin America
Fall 2020
- HIST 181B: Russian Culture & Civilization
- HIST 186A: Immigration Refugee Resettlement
- HIST 203: The Rise and Fall of Rome
- HIST 205: Later Medieval Europe 1000-1400
- HIST 243: Medieval Jewish History
- HIST 262: History of Asian America
- HIST 278: Intro Latin Am & Carib Studies
- HIST 281E: War & Socity in 17c Europe
- HIST 281K: The Nazi State
- HIST 285J: Modern Middle East
- HIST 381E: Borderlands of Eastern Europe
- HIST 381G: English Civil Wars
- HIST 381M: Imperial Germany
- HIST 384K: Divided Korea
- HIST 384P: Jews and Muslims
- HIST 385C: Arabic Civilization & Culture
- HIST 386L: War, Medicine & Modern Culture
- HIST 386R: Cultures in Conflict 1500-1850
- HIST 481B: Views of the French Revolution
- HIST 481L: Perspectives on the Body
- HIST 481R: Death & Dying in England
- HIST 485G: Gender in Jewish History
- PLSC 411: Campaigns and Elections
- SOC 280A: Race, Gender & Prisons
- SOC 367: Food, People and Resources
- SOC 380E: Contesting American Capitalism
- WGSS 284D: Sexuality & Society
- WGSS 381B: Legal History of Sexuality
Spring 2020
- ECON 485A: Historical Perspectives on Economic Growth
- HIST 280C: Race and Childhood in America
- HIST 280G: Latinx in the U.S.
- HIST 280N: History of Asian America
- HIST 280Q: Murderers & Martyrs
- HIST 281A: Daily Life in Greece and Rome
- HIST 281G: History of Ireland
- HIST 281S: Rome: Archaeology of Empire
- HIST 285E: Jewish History 1500 to Modern
- HIST 352: Colonial America
- HIST 381C: Archaeology of Athens
- HIST 381Q: From Lenin to Stalin
- HIST 382H: Food History of the Americas
- HIST 384L: Korea in the Age of Empire
- HIST 385D: Palestinian History
- HIST 386A: History of Prostitution
- HIST 481Q: Women and Medieval Healthcare
- HIST 481V: Sex & Gender in Premodern Europe
- HIST 484R: Race & American Citizenship
- HIST 486Q: Latin American Immigration
- PHIL 280C: Intro to Marx & Critical Theory
- PLSC 308: Govt & Pol. in M. East & N. Africa
- PLSC 356: Politics Of The European Union
- PLSC 485: Special Topics in Comparative Politics (of any letter/title)
- PPL 280A: Philanthropy & Civil Society
- PPL 380C: Class, Globalization & Human Dev
- PPL 487D: Queer Crit Legal Theory & Law
- SOC 262: Gender and Society
- SOC 280C: Fascism
- SOC 280J: Global Environmental Justice
- SOC 324: Gender and Work
- SOC 330: Latin American Women
- SOC 380D: Israeli Social Movements
- SOC 380I: US War on Drugs & Latin America
- SOC 380K: Comparative Revolutions
- SOC 380N: Gentrification and Race
- SOC 380R: Sociology of China
- SOC 426: Global Social Movements
- WGSS 282B: Activism, Feminism @ US Borders
Fall 2019
- AAAS 432: Women and Korean History
- ANTH 280A: Contemporary Facism
- GMAP 483A: Building Public Memory
- HIST 106A: East Asian Civilizations
- HIST 150: Modern Israel
- HIST 181B: Russian Culture & Civilization
- HIST 278: Intro Latin Am & Carib Studies
- HIST 280G: Topics in US History
- HIST 280N: History of Asian America
- HIST 280Q: Gender and the Cold War
- HIST 281K: The Nazi State
- HIST 321: Walking the Land
- HIST 381U: Cities in Early Mod Europe
- HIST 382A: Latin American Environ History
- HIST 384L: Korea in the Age of Empire
- HIST 384M: Minorities in China & Beyond
- HIST 385A: Palestinian History
- HIST 385C: Arabic Civilization & Culture
- HIST 481D: Roman Imperialism & Law
- PHIL 380M: Critical Race Theory
- PLSC 415: Poltl Parties & Pressure Groups
- PLSC 466: Political Islam
- PLSC 485A: Pol Econ of Development
- PLSC 485D: Comparative Legislatures
- PLSC 485N: Choosing Who Votes
- PLSC 485V: Challenges to Democracy
- PPL 280B: Foundations of Civil Engagement
- PPL 380A: Archaeological Ethics
- PPL 480B: Prisoner Rights Activism & State
- SOC 255: Gender & Chinese Society
- SOC 280J: Contemporary Social Movements
- SOC 321: Race & Cul. Rela in World Context
- SOC 380A: Identifying the Criminal
- WGSS 381B: Legal History of Sexuality US
- WGSS: 382E: Women & U.S. Criminal Jus Sys
Spring 2019
- ANTH 354: Gender And Power
- GMAP 481B: Terrorism
- GMAP 481C: Colonization/Violence/Genocide
- HIST 280D: Sex & Law in Modern US
- HIST 280N: History of Asian America
- HIST 280Q: Crime & Punishment in US
- HIST 285E: Jewish History 1500 to Modern
- HIST 380F: Gender and the Presidency
- HIST 380T: Moments in US Disability Hist
- HIST 381G: The English Civil War
- HIST 381U: Post-War Germany
- HIST 384B: American Race Wars
- HIST 481M: Soviet Genocide
- JUST 380P: ISRL-PALS Conflict
- PHIL 135: Philosophy & Public Policy
- PHIL 180A: Moral Psychology
- PHIL 202: Descartes, Hume & Kant
- PHIL 441: Proseminar: Hist Methodologies
- PHIL 444: Philosophy of Social Science
- PLSC 289A: Comparative Politics of Asia
- PLSC 308: Govt & Pol. in M. East & N. Africa
- PLSC 485D: Criminal Politics
- PLSC 485I: Democratization
- SOC 262: Gender and Society
- SOC 324: Gender and Work
- SOC 377: Sociology of Colonialism
- SOC 380I: US War on Drugs & Latin America
- WGSS 383C: Race, Philosophy and the Law
- WGSS 384A: Ending Mass Incarceration
Fall 2018
- JUST 150: Modern Israel
- JUST 284A\GMAP 281A: The Nazi State
- JUST 371: The Ghetto, The Jews, & The City
- HIST 106A: East Asian Civilizations
- HIST 202: The Greek World
- HIST 205: Later Medieval Europe
- HIST 282D/LACS 200: Intro Latin Am & Carib Studies
- HIST 321: Walking the Holy Land
- HIST 385Q: Asians and Jews in Mod US
- HIST 481Y: The Irish Famine
- HIST 485G: Sunni vs. Shiite, Past & Present
- PHIL 480G: Happiness, Well-Being, and Health
- PLSC 311: Politics of Western Europe
- PLSC 356: Politics of the European Union
- PLSC 466: Political Islam
- PLSC 485K: Constitutional Pol Economy
- PLSC 485M: Globaliz, Integ & Regionalism
- PLSC 485T: Pol Economy of Human Rights
- PLSC 485U: Politics of Economic Growth
- SOC 280A: Race, Class, Gender, Inequality
- SOC 280H: Prison Industrial Complex
- SOC 380B: Origins of Planetary Crisis
- SOC 380H: Revolution: Idea and Movement
- SOC 427: Global Criminal & Soc Justice
- SOC 480M: Prisoner Rights Activism & State
- WGSS 282A: LGBTQ History
- WGSS 282D: Social Media & Social Activism
- WGSS 381B: Legal History of Sexuality US
Spring 2018
- HIST 280C: Social Movements - 20thC U.S.
- HIST 280Q: Music, Race & Politics-US History
- HIST 280R: The US & Latin America, 1898-2000
- HIST 281K: The Nazi State
- HIST 281Q: England & its Empire, 1450-1750
- HIST 311: Race & Racism in Modern Europe
- HIST 354: Civil War America
- HIST 381H: After Machiavelli: Pol. Thought
- HIST 382A: Hist of Immigration&Displacement
- HIST 384B: American Race Wars
- HIST 385J: ISRL-PALS Conflict
- HIST 387C: Fascism & Resistance
- HIST 482B: Latin American Immigration
- HIST 484C: Nationalism in East Asia
- PHIL 142: Intro to Political Philosophy
- PHIL 480N: Nietzsche and Politics
- PLSC 358: Russian & Post Soviet Politics
- SOC 280H: Prison Industrial Complex
- SOC 380F: Contemp Movmts & Real Democracy
- SOC 380I: US War on Drugs & Latin America
- SOC 480A: Migration Gender & Human Rights
- WGSS 481C: Queer Critical Legal Theory and Law
Fall 2017
- HIST 106A: East Asian Civilizations (LEC)
- HIST 275: 20th Century Middle East
- HIST 280N: History of Asian America
- HIST 282D: Intro Latin Am & Carib Studies
- HIST 284B: China in Contemporary World
- HIST 352: Colonial America
- JUST 352: American Jewish Thought
- PHIL 201: Plato and Aristotle (LEC)
- PLSC 381H: Political Analysis
- PLSC 414: The US Supreme Court
- PPL 380H: Human Rights Advocacy: UN
- SOC 200: Foundations of Social Theory
- SOC 236: Intro Crim & Social Justice
- SOC 280A: Global Social Problems
- SOC 368: Political Sociology
- SOC 380A: Globalization
- WGSS 282C: Activism, Femin &Social Justice
Spring 2017
- HIST 281D: Europe Since 1500 (LEC)
- HIST 285F: U.S. & Middle East (LEC)
- HIST 374: China In The 20th Century
- HIST 386C: Human Trafficking in History
- PHIL 342: Hist-Social & Political Phil
- PLSC 282A: Intro to Environmental Policy
- PLSC 358: Russian & Post Soviet Politics
- PPL 180A: Beyond Good Intentions
- PPL 280C: Black Lives Matter
- PPL 380D: Intro to Human Rts Thry & Prac
- PPL 380E: Persuasion in Ancient Greece
- PPL 487D: Queer Crit Legal Theory & Law
- SOC 200: Foundations of Social Theory
- SOC 358: Energy Power & Nature
Fall 2016
- ANTH 280R: Law and Culture
- CLAS 281E: Ancient Roman Economy
- HIST 263: Sex in American History
- HIST 275: 20th Century Middle East
- HIST 280G: Capitalism in America
- HIST 284E: Modern India 1757-2010
- HIST 325: Red Phoenix: Revolution & USSR
- HIST 347: Modern Israel
- HIST 350: Revolution & The Founding
- HIST 364: The American West
- HIST 385K: Republic of Turkey
- HIST 386F: Gender Genocide & Humanitarian Aid
- HIST 485B: Sectarianism in the Middle East
- HIST 486J: Human Rights and International Law
- HIST 486S: Public Health, Society & State
- LACS 304: EnviroActivism in LatAme/Carib
- PPL 280B: Foundations of Civic Engagement
- SOC 280A: Intro to Criminal & Social Justice
- SOC 280B: Activism, Feminism & Social Justice
- SOC 367: Food, People, and Resources
- SOC 375: Economic Sociology
- SOC 380C: Asian & Latin American Immigration
- SOC 380D: Labor Politics in Contemporary America
- SOC 380F: Contemporary Capitalism
- SOC 432: War Crimes & Global War
- WGSS 280B: Race and the Law
Spring 2016
- ENVI 481B: Sustainable Comm: Theory & Prac
- HIST 225: Imperial Russia
- HIST 281D: Europe Since 1500
- HIST 284G: Modern Japan Since 1800
- HIST 286R: LGBT Movements & Global Perspectives
- PHIL 480K: Kant's Metaphysics of Morals
- PPL 280A: Philanthrophy & Civil Society
- PPL 380A: Law & Society
- PPL 380B: Nationalism
- PPL 380C: Legal History Sexuality US
- PPL 380D: Intro to Human Rts Thry & Prac
- PPL 480A: Social Structure of Policing
- SOC 380H: Idea and Movement
Fall 2015
- HIST 311: Race & Racism in Mod Europe
- HIST 352: Politics & Society in Colonial America
- HIST 374: China in the 20th Century (taught by Prof. Yi Wang)
- HIST 381X: City in Modern Europe (taught by Prof. Heather DeHaan)
- HIST 381Y: Renaissance Europe
- LACS 304: EnviroActivism in LatAme/Carib
- LACS 482B: Gender in Latin America
- PHIL 480R: Philosophy of Education
- SOC 280B: Activism, Femin &Social Justice
- SOC 326: Global Criminal & Soc. Justice
- SOC 368: Political Sociology
- SOC 375: Economic Sociology
- SOC 380D: Political Economy of Poverty
- SOC 426: Global Social Movements
Spring 2015
- HIST 281H: Europe, 1890-Present
- HIST 281U: Wars of Religion
- HIST 357: US Diplomatic History
- HIST 365: US in the Depression & WWII
- HIST 381G: The English Civil War
- SOC 374: Oil Politics
- SOC 380A: Contemporary Capitalism
- SOC 380B: Comparative Revolutions
- SOC 380H: Revolution: Idea and Movement
- SOC 380K: The Politics of Terrorism
Fall 2014
- HIST 312: Gender and Sexuality in Modern Europe
- HIST 325: Red Phoenix: Revolution & USSR
- HIST 350: Revolution & The Founding
- HIST 364: The American West
- HIST 381W: Europe, 1890-Present
- HIST 385F: WWI and the Middle East
- PAFF 225: Foundations of Civic Engagement
- PHIL 480R: Philosophy of Education (as a cognate)
- SOC 280B: Activism, Femin & Social Justice
Spring 2014
- ECON 381L: Econ Analysis of Pub. Programs
- HIST 381R: Citizenship & Empire Mod Britain
- HIST 381V: Nat'lism, Antisemitism 1870-1920
- HIST 484J: Democracy & Discontent in India
- HIST 486A: History of Bioethics
- SOC 326: Global Criminal & Soc. Justice
- SOC 374: Oil Politics
- SOC 380B: Comparative Revolutions
- SOC 480B: Social Dynamics of Punishment
- SOC 480C: Political Economy of East Asia
Fall 2013
- ANTH 451: Political Ecology
- ECON 103: Intro to Int'l Economy
- ECON 314: Econ of Developing Countries
- ECON 381L: Econ Analysis of Pub. Programs
- ECON 433: Natural Resource Economics
- ENVI 382M: Anthropology of Climate Change
- ENVI 382S: Anthro of Developing Nations
- HIST 311: Race & Racism in Mod Eur
- HIST 350: Revolution & The Founding
- HIST 385J: Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
- HIST 426: Soviet Russia
- JUST 484A: Jews and Crime
- SOC 380C: Asian & LatAme Immigration to US
- SOC 480B: War Crimes & Global War
- SOC 480C: Prison Experiences
- SOC 480D: State and Society