EY Student Leaders Program Highlights

EY Student Leaders Program Highlights

Speaker Events

EY Student Leaders offers numerous speaker events throughout the academic year presented by EY representatives and numerous other industry professionals.

Exclusive Networking Opportunities

Connect with industry professionals and fellow students through networking events, workshops, and mentorship programs.

EY Insights:

Gain invaluable insights from EY professionals through guest lectures, panel discussions, and Q&A sessions, offering a glimpse into the corporate world and the latest industry trends.

Community Engagement:

Embrace the EY commitment to corporate social responsibility by participating in community service projects and making a positive impact on the local community.

Mentorship Experience:

Form lasting connections with a diverse cohort of high-achieving students, fostering collaboration and creating a supportive community for your academic and professional journey.

Annual NYC Trip:

EY Student Leaders Programs hosts an annual trip to the Ernst and Young headquarters in NYC for freshmen to experience a day in the business world as well as network with EY professionals.

Program Perks

Priority Housing: Incoming freshmen joining the program will receive a housing selection time slot that allows them to choose their housing ahead of the majority of other incoming students.

Priority Class Selection: Members receive 24 ghost credits that allow them to gain class selection at an earlier time than their typical time allotted.

Honors Degree: All graduating members of the EY Student Leaders Program, so long as all requirements are met, will receive an honors diploma from the School Of Management.