Zeiss LSM880 Confocal Microscope with Multiphoton (NLO) Laser
The Zeiss microscope provides superb sensitivity and resolution as well as deeper imaging
of fixed tissue and live cell samples. It has a 405 nm diode laser, 458, 488 and 514
nm Ar laser, DPSS 561 nm, and 633 nm He/Ne laser, and a tunable multiphoton/two-photon
laser (MP, a category of nonlinear optics, NLO).
Motorized X, Y stage and Z focus
Three detection channels
Six laser lines, diode: 405 nm; Ar: 458, 488 and 514 nm; solid state: 561 nm; He/Ne:
Coherent Chameleon multiphoton (2P) tunable laser
Incubation chamber
Tiling function allows multiple image collection across a large field of view with
high magnification objective