Religious Studies

Religious Studies Minor

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Faculty across Harpur College teach courses that count toward the minor

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Minor Requirements

Explore the requirements for the minor in Religious Studies

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ADVISING for Religious Studies Program and minor - SPRING 2024: 

Professor Jones | | 607-777-6140 | LT 1314
Tuesday & Thursday: 12:30-2 p.m. | Available by appointment

The Religious Studies minor is an independent minor at Binghamton University. Faculty across Harpur College teach courses that count toward the minor.

The academic study of religion is a multidisciplinary field, which draws on the varied disciplines of the human, social, and biological sciences. Harpur College now offers a wide range of courses that allow students to learn about different religious traditions through these many methodologies. The minor incorporates current Harpur courses into a focused curriculum.

Binghamton University's religious studies program focuses on the academic study of religion as a significant social force in all cultures and in all ages. ... BU is one of the few SUNY schools that offer a religious studies minor that students can combine with a major in another academic area, said Friedman, who was instrumental in bringing the program to the campus.

Douglas F. Jones